Fallopia pterocarpa

Fallopia pterocarpa (Meisn.) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 6: 156 1971. (Syn: Bilderdykia pterocarpa (Wall. ex Meisn.) Greene; Polygonum pterocarpum Wall.);
East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Bhutan, India (Arunachal Pradesh), Sikkim, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;


VOF Week: Polygonaceae Climber for Id from the Trek..:
This one was shot while coming back from Ghanghariya to Gobind Ghat…we first saw this at Tiger fall, Chakrata, … and … might remember…id please..surely a Polygonaceae member…flowers greenish, minute..

I hope Fallopia pterocarpa

Thanks for identification Sir…


I hope Fallopia pterocarpa


Fallopia pterocarpa (Wall. ex Meisn.) Holub.
syn: Polygonum pterocarpum Wall. ex Meisn.
A climbing herb with winged fruits, photographed from Tiger hill area of Chakrata. Please validate.

Thanks for sharing Sir..
I remember the exact location of shoot..

Recorded the posted pics from Chakrata and way to Valley of Flowers.. have mixed the pics considering all of them belong to Fallopia pterocarpa
Please give your opinion..

Fallopia pterocarpa (Wall. ex Meisn.) Holub.
syn: Polygonum pterocarpum Wall. ex Meisn.
A climbing herb with winged fruits, photographed from Tiger hill area of Chakrata. Please validate.

Thanks for sharing Sir..
I remember the exact location of shoot..

Fallopia pterocarpa from Uttarakhand_DSR : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)

Fallopia pterocarpa (Meisn.) Holub is a common herbaceous climber in mid hills of Uttarakhand. It is not represented in eFI, so being submitted.
Photographed near Bhowali, Uttarakhand.

Wonderful. are the three objects in the second picture seedpods // fruits ? and I love the veins, the arching with anastomosis seems to be unique


Updated on December 24, 2024

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