Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites , Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 408 1864. (Syn: Filicium elongatum Radlk. ex Taub.; Jurighas decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Kuntze; Pteridophyllum decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites; Rhus decipiens Wight & Arn.); Native to: Comoros, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zimbabwe; Introduced into: Bangladesh, Borneo, Fiji, Hawaii, Jawa, Samoa, Trinidad-Tobago as per POWO; India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand (I), Java (I), Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Comores (Mayotte, etc.), Malaysia (I), Fiji (I), Panama (I), Hawaii (I) (Oahu (I), West Maui (I) (Honokowai Valley (I)), Hawaii Isl. (I) (Hilo) (I)), Burma (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of Life; Fern Tree, fern leaf tree, soapberry • Tamil: Ningal • Malayalam: Valmurichcha, Neeroli • Telugu: patta kunkudu • Kannada: kaadu hoovarasi, neeroli; Evergreen trees, to 25 m high, bark blackish or reddish-grey, rough; branchlets angular. Leaves imparipinnate, alternate, estipulate; rachis 10-23 cm long, articulate, broadly winged, glabrous, swollen at base; leaflets 10-21, opposite or subopposite, sessile; lamina 6-10.5 x 1-3 cm, narrowly elliptic or elliptic-oblong, base acute or oblique, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, wavy, subcoriaceous, glabrous, gland-dotted; lateral nerves many, parallel, close, slender, faint; intercostae reticulate, obscure. Flowers polygamous, 5-6 mm across, pinkish-white, in axillary panicles; calyx 5 lobed; lobes imbricate, deciduous; petals 5, orbicular, small; disc 5 lobed, tomentose; stamens 5, free, inserted within the disc; filaments subulate; anthers ovate; ovary superior, globose, sessile, ovules solitary, pendulous; style hooked; stigma simple, bilobed. Fruit a drupe, 10-12 mm across, ovoid, purple, shining, apiculate; seed one, oblong. Flowering and fruiting: October-December Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, also grown as ornamental tree India and Sri Lanka Request Tree ID 0016: I haven’t seens flowers or fruits in this tree. 13th Main, indiranagar, Bangalore Filicium decipiens Filicium decipiens. The fern tree. I have an image of a giant fern tree from lalbagh. But when I saw a smaller one, got confused. efloraindia:Filicium decipiens images: Sahring the images of Filicium decipiens from Coimbatore. Habitat: Garden Habit: Tree Seen on 25/11/13 at Llbagh. Is this the Fern Leaf Tree? It is like Filicium Thanks … for the id. I think so Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this tree at Lalbagh, Bangalore :: 07012014 :: ARK-09 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Requesting to please ID this tree captured in Lalbagh, Bangalore in November 2013. Filicium decipiens
Sapindaceae Fortnight :: Filicium decipens Pune SMP3 : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author. Filicium decipiens Fern leaf tree. Celastraceae and Sapindaceae Fortnight: Sapindaceae – Filicium decipiens from Mumbai and Bangalore :: ARK-08 : Attachments (6). 1 post by 1 author. Attached are pictures of Filicium decipiens from a society garden in Mumbai, October 2012 and Lalbagh in Bangalore captured in November 2013.
Tree ID – Kozhikode : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Tree ID please. At IIM Kozhikode (Kerala) Filicium decipiens Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thw. Syn: Rhus decipiens Wight & Arn. Identify this tree : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Place: Vizag Date: Oct 28 2017 Sorry, I captured only one picture. Please identify this tree. I think close to images at Filicium decipiens Pl. check. Tree for Id -ID18112017SH3 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Tree for Id pl. Location – Botanical Garden,Kolkata Date – November 2017 May I request you to pl. Post the original image. Attachments (1) – 3 Mb. Filicium decipiens, Fern-leaf Tree It is Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites ex Hook.f. from Sapindaceae family Though image is from distance, it looks like Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites
Tree for Id -ID18112017SH3 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Tree for Id pl. Location – Botanical Garden, Kolkata Date – November 2017 May I request you to pl. Post the original image. Attachments (1)- 3 MB. Filicium decipiens, Fern-leaf Tree It is Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites ex Hook.f. from Sapindaceae family Though image is from distance, it looks like Filicium decipiens (Wight & Arn.) Thwaites
Please Id this plant : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Posting first time on this group. Please see the attached photo of a plant which I found in a local nursery. I was told its name as ‘Philishiyan’ and was shown this plant as an alternative of palm plants for our garden. But I could not find any information about it on internet using this name. Request Id of this plant, scientific name. Filicium decipiens Sapindaceae References: POWO Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 Flowers of India Flora of Peninsular India India Biodiversity Portal Biotik Filicium decipiens (PIER species info) Plants of Hawaii Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986- Description) Gardening in India By George Marshall Woodrow, G Marshall (1999- Description) |
Filicium decipiens
Updated on December 24, 2024