Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 1: t. 268 (1839) (syn: Flemingia strobilifera var. bracteata (Roxb.) Baker ; Hedysarum bracteatum Roxb. ; Maughania bracteata (Roxb.) H.L.Li );
Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan, Guangdong) and Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Here are the keys from the recent revision of Flemingia by Manoj Lekahak ji and others:
Key to the species of subg. Ostryodium
1. Leaflets ovate or linear-lanceolate, apex acute … 2
1. Leaflets cordate, apex acuminate …..F. chappar
2. Erect shrubs ….. 3
2. Trailing shrubs ……..F. fruticulosa
3. Bracts persistent ……. 4
3. Bracts caducous …….F. nudiflora
4. Plant tall up to 1.2–3.2 m in height; leaflets ovate with 12–20 mm long petiole, lateral veins 7-8(-10) pairs ………..F. strobilifera
4. Plant tall up to 0.8–1 m in height; leaflets linear-lanceolate with 2–4 mm long petiole, lateral veins 4-6 pairs ……………… F. bracteata
Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W. T. Aiton: 6 very high res. images.
Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1092m.
Date: 12 August 2021
Habit : Wild
This is Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight.
Flemingia bracteata is allied to Flemingia strobilifera but differs from it in the presence of narrow cordate leaflets, short petiole, ensiform persistent stipules and broadly orbicular-ovate bracts.
Did not find its listing in Nepal.
Please let me have your opinion.
Flemingia fruticulosa as per discussions at Flemingia strobilifera
“This is Flemingia bracteata (Roxb.) Wight.
Flemingia bracteata is allied to Flemingia strobilifera but differs from it in the presence of narrow cordate leaflets, short petiole, ensiform persistent stipules and broadly orbicular-ovate bracts.”
What is the difference between Flemingia bracteata and Flemingia fruticulosa ?
F. bracteata is an erect shrub not trailing in habit with narrow cordate leaflets, short petiole, 17-20 mm long ensiform falcate persistent stipules and broadly orbicular-ovate bracts while F. fruticulosa is always a trailing/creeping shrub (never erect) with ovate elliptic leaflets, short petiole and 10-11 mm long persistent stipule.
But the posted plant appear to be trailing in habit.
please note that there’s only one habit image shared and in that image the plant is mostly covered by others associated species thus it is not giving clear idea of its habit.
So please also note the leave shape and stipules, in the plant shared by … leaflets are linear lanceolate (not ovate elliptic) with 2-4 mm long petiole, 4-6 pair of lateral veins and long persistent stipules.
This is an erect shrub.
F. bracteata is already known from Nepal and adjoining Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. It was earlier treated as a variety i.e. Flemingia strobilifera var. bracteata (Roxb.) Baker.
The name is currently accepted and distribution in Nepal is also mentioned in the paper I have shared earlier.
Here are the keys from the recent revision of Flemingia by Manoj Lekahak ji and others:
Key to the species of subg. Ostryodium
1. Leaflets ovate or linear-lanceolate, apex acute … 2
1. Leaflets cordate, apex acuminate …..F. chappar
2. Erect shrubs ….. 3
2. Trailing shrubs ……..F. fruticulosa
3. Bracts persistent ……. 4
3. Bracts caducous …….F. nudiflora
4. Plant tall up to 1.2–3.2 m in height; leaflets ovate with 12–20 mm long petiole, lateral veins 7-8(-10) pairs ………..F. strobilifera
4. Plant tall up to 0.8–1 m in height; leaflets linear-lanceolate with 2–4 mm long petiole, lateral veins 4-6 pairs ……………… F. bracteata
Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W. T. Aiton: 8 images.
Habitat: Wild
Nepali Names : भटवासी Bhatawaasee / भटमासे Bhatamaase/ गहते Gahate
Does it not appear to be (due to long ensiform falcate persistent stipules)
https://efloraofindia.com/2023/01/28/flemingia-bracteata/ ?
I guess … could confirm it.
Yes …, it should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.
Nelliyampathy, Kerala
November 2014
Looks like Flemingia strobilifera to me.
Flemingia fruticosa.
Also seems to be Desmodium pulchellum
efi pages on Phyllodium pulchellum (Syn: Desmodium pulchellum (L.) Benth.) & Flemingia strobilifera (Flemingia fruticulosa Benth.is a synonym of Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton)
Flemingia strobilifera Syn: F.fruticosa.
It should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.
Fabaceae undershrub for ID :: NOV2017 MK003 : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
The plant looks very much like Flemingia strobilifera; as per images at efi site and digital flora of Karnataka. Please validate.
It should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.
Flemingia strobilifera from trek to Matheran: 10 images- 7 high res.
On trek to Matheran (around 2500 ft.) from foothills, Maharashtra on 4.2.23.
Appeared common on the way.
It should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.
Yes …, it’s similar with Flemingia bracteata..
Id of Flemingia sp?: 2 high res. images.
Date:- 07-01-24
Place: Tripura
Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton
It should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.

Id of Flemingia sp?: 2 high res. images.
Place: Tripura
Flemingia strobilifera (L.) W.T.Aiton
It should be Flemingia bracteata based on its persistent falcate stipule, leaf shape and short petiole.
Taxonomic revision of the genus Flemingia in India, Sandip Kisan GavadeLaurentius Josephus Gerardus van der Maesen Manoj Madhwanand Lekhak, November 2020, Webbia 75(2):141-218 (Abstract: Indian Flemingia species are grouped under five subgenera, namely Chalaria, Flemingiastrum, Lepidocoma, Ostryodium and Rhynchosioides. Here, we revise the taxonomy of the genus (excluding subg. Rhynchosioides) based on the study of live material and preserved specimens. We report 21 species and one variety (22 taxa) in India, of which one variety is endemic, i.e. F. praecox var. robusta. All the taxa have been described, illustrated and their ecology discussed. In the process, twelve binomials (F. angustifolia, F. blancoana, F. chappar, F. congesta, F. grahamiana, F. latifolia, F. macrophylla, F. nudiflora, F. paniculata, F. stricta, F. wallichii and F. wightiana) and one trinomial (F. praecox var. robusta) are lectotypified. F. sericans and F. stricta subsp. pteropus are proposed as new synonyms for F. macrophylla and F. stricta, respectively. F. parviflora, an Australian species, is recorded for India. F. strobilifera var. nudiflora is raised to the species level and a new combination proposed, i.e. F. nudiflora. F. tiliacea is relegated to the synonymy of F. nudiflora. A taxonomic key for the subgenera and species therein is provided for easy identification. Additionally, distributional maps for the genus and species are given)
POWO Catalogue of Life GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Pakistan Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal Flora of Eastern Ghats