Flower images on eflora website : 1 post by 1 author.
How are you? Have not been in touch for a while! I needed your help. Titli Trust and CEDAR running a two year program for training rural youth as nature guides in multiple locations in Uttarakhand. We have produced lots of material for the nature guides on fauna, but are now attempting to do an eBook for flowers and trees of Uttarakhand covering 100 species, meant for nature guides, primarily, but of course, all nature lovers can use it.
The eBook will be available for free download and is not commercial. The book will have more than one image for various species, and there is a huge collection online at the Flowers of India website. We have images for most species, but need more pics. What is the best way to ask people to contribute their images?
Rather than shooting out a general email, I would like to specifically people for specific images that are already on the website. How can I do this?
Thanks, … You can make specific requests for images to the poster with a copy to me.
Flower images on eflora website
Updated on December 24, 2024