Forsythia × intermedia Zabel , Gartenflora 1885: 36 1885. (unresolved) (Syn: Forsythia × densiflora (Koehne) Koehne; Forsythia × intermedia var. densiflora Koehne; Forsythia × intermedia var. divaricata Koehne; Forsythia × intermedia var. primulina Rehder; Forsythia × intermedia var. spectabilis (Koehne) Spath; Forsythia × intermedia var. vitellina Koehne; Forsythia × spectabilis Koehne; Forsythia × vitellina (Koehne) Koehne); Austria; Great Britain; Illinois; Ireland; Korea as per Catalogue of Life; Dalhousie id al260311: 2 images. This was happily flowering in a friends garden, couldn’t help but take a quick photo before I left Location Dalhousie – Forsythia x intermedia a common garden plant in Northern India hill stations – In my class Taxonomy class I used this plant to describe floral morphology to my students 09102011-BS-1 Shrub with yellow flowers from HPU Shimla for id: Forsythia × intermedia ?? Yes, appears close to images at Forsythia × intermedia .
Location: Royal Garden Hyde Park , London Altitude: 30m. Date: 27 March 2022 Habit : Cultivated Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl or Forsythia intermedia Zabel ?? I would suspect it is Forsythia intermedia…but no idea how you id one from the other just from the flowers. Forsythia suspensa is much less common in UK. Last year in a garden near here I found a shrub with opposite ordinary leaves and trifoliate leaflets. Fascinating! I had never seen this behaviour before, so wrote to the head was Forsythia suspensa..see my pics below. Thank you … for the correct ID and the additional information ! . References: |
Forsythia × intermedia
Updated on December 24, 2024