Frerea indica

Frerea indica Dalzell , J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 8: 10 1865. (Syn: Caralluma frerea Rowley; Desmidorchis dalzellii M.R.Almeida);

by Neha Singh, Ritesh Kumar Choudhary & Arvind Kadus (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click
on the links)






Frerea indica (Asclepiadaceae)_RKC02_09111 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Frerea indica Dalzell for you
Loc.: Growing at BSI Experimental garden, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (brought from Maharashtra).
Alt.: ca 550 m
Date: …….2007 (cant remember the month of flowering).

Some more information about this lovely plant from the link below

This plant is enlisted among the top 10 threatened plants of India, I think. Frerea indica Dalzell J. Linn. Soc., Bot. viii. 10 (1865)

Here is Frerea indica  with its pollinator at Shivneri fort. Attachments (2)

Can you please share a high resolution pic of same plz. Just wanted to check. The pollinarium seems to have been dislodged by the insects.



Frerea indica:  These  Frerea indica flowers I photographed at Botanical survey of India, Pune in  Sep 2007.
Searching net I have learned that this plant is endemic to the Western Ghats. This palaeoendemic genus is on the verge of extinction due to the loss, destruction and shrinkage of its habitat and inefficiency of the complex pollinating mechanism, largely due to lack of specific pollinators. It flowers poorly and sets little seed. Even after more than a century after its discovery and its adaptability to the extreme soil conditions, it has not succeeded in spreading in the wild or in to other similar kind of habitats.

Nice pics! Are these related to Stapelia?

Yes … they are both from the family Apocynaceae
Hence shows resembles.

I too thought Frerea indica species comes under the stapeliads tribe

Nice photographs and introduction to Frerea. Frerea is phylogenetically linked to Carallumas of India. You can call it a leafy Caralluma.
Meve and Liede (2002) have synonmized Frerea indica as Boucerocia indica based on DNA data. It is close to Boucerocia a clade of Carallumas with umbellate infloresences. Some authors have also synonmized it as Caralluma indica.

Updated on December 24, 2024