Garcinia dulcis

Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 43: 88 (1874) (syn: Garcinia elliptica Choisy, Stalagmitis dulcis Cambess., Stalagmitis javanensis Spach, Xanthochymus dulcis Roxb., Xanthochymus javanensis Blume);
Andaman Islands to N. Queensland: Andaman Is., Borneo, Jawa, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Queensland, Sulawesi as per POWO;

Evergreen medium sized trees, wood moderately hard, bark dark olive colored, smooth, branchlets often opposite, tetragonous, somewhat shiny, latex usually resinous, thick, yellow in bark, branches and fruits. Leaves simple, opposite or rarely ternate, elliptic-oblong to ovate, about 10-25 x 3-13 cm across, base obtuse to rotundate or rarely subcordate, margins entire, apex obtuse with mucronate tip or shallow acuminate, chartaceous, coriaceous, glabrous on both sides, with translucent glands, midrib impressed above and prominent beneath, lateral veins 20-25, irregular with oblique parallel short veins between, anastomosing near the margins, veinlets reticulate, petiole slender with raised margins or somewhat canaliculated, about 8-15 mm long, exstipulate. Inflorescence axillary in cymes or fascicles. Flowers hetero chlamydeous, dioecious, pseudo bisexual and female ones, pedicel short, bracteoles present, sepals 5 rarely 4-6, imbricate, decussate in pairs, inner pair larger than outer, petals 5 rarely 4, imbricate, ovate-orbicular, alternating with sepals, apex obtuse, flabellately veined, about 1 cm long. Male flowers: axillary, fascicled, yellow, stamens in 5 bundles or rarely in 4 bundles, inserted around lobed mass often around a rudimentary pistil, connate at the base, filaments short, anthers peltate, oblong, 2 loculed, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Female flowers: axillary in fascicles, bigger than male flowers, globose, with minute staminodes, filaments arranged in ring shape, ovary superior, globose, 5 locular, ovule 1 per locule, style short, thick, stigma peltate, rays 5, margins rotundate. Fruit fleshy berry, globose, 2-2.5 x 1.5-2 cm across, bright yellow, sulcate or smooth, apex pointed, encased by persistent sepals and crowned by stigma. Seeds 1-5, oblong-ovoid, covered with juicy dark yellow pulp.
Inland evergreen forests.
(Attributions: Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India. Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India as per India Biodiversity Portal)

Garcinia pedunculata or something else:
This Garcinia is obtained from Pechartal, North Tripura. Kindly confirm the identity.

I think leaves look different as per -A-A-mature-tree-B-Twig-with-young-fruits -C-Mature-fruits-D_fig2_308886252

Check Garcinia xanthocymus!
Garcinia pedunculata is generally in bigger size.

It should be Garcinia dulcis. I had noticed this species in Tripura, near to the State guest house park and informed one of my batchmates, a Forest Officer, MD Tripura Forest Corporation, 3 years back as it appeared to be interesting and a new record for Tripura.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) India Biodiversity Portal  Wikipedia  Wikimedia Commons  Useful Tropical Plants  CABI  florafaunaweb  Fruitipedia  fruitwarehouse  rarepalmseeds

Updated on December 23, 2024

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