can it be Atractocarpus fitzalanii/?? ID plzz..from Lahore Pakistan : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Thanks, … I think it does not match with images of this species at Yes its from Botanical Garden Any idea about its genus please? Don’t know it! Definitely a Rubiaceae, could be a Gardenia but there’s plenty of cognate genera that look a lot like Gardenias… Tamilnadia uliginosa Yes matching. Does it have distribution in Pakistan ? I do not think it matches with images at Tamilnadia uliginosa
its Australian gardenia??ID plzzz..from botanical garden Lahore Pakistan : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Its a 3 m smaal tree..some one sugest on facebook forum that its Atractocarpus fitzalanii but looks different to me in google images.. Kindly confirm its identification . ID requested..Atractocarpus or Gardenia sp?..from Lahore Pakistan : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7) Its a 3 m small tree planted in a botanical garden.. i posted it earlier. the names suggested by some online forms are Atractocarpus fitzalanii or Gardenia lucida but looks different to me in google images.. Kindly confirm its identification At the outset, my appreciation for the beautiful photographs posted. In my view such photographs showing all aspects of the plant details help easy identification. Let me try the ID. Thank you sir. Here is the link where its name is mentioned as Gardenia lucida from a garden of lahore. but when i search this name on net, it look somewhat different to me thats why i am not satisfied with identification.Although the photo present in this link is of the same plant because i also observed this plant in this garden of Lahore and i captured photos from my university campus botanical garden, Lahore. i need its correct identification. image no 0744 looks like Gardenia resinifera, but the leaves in other images are slightly different from the specimen I have collected To me does not match with images of either of your mentioned species as per http://tropical.theferns.?id=Atractocarpus+fitzalanii It does look like a Gardenia to me. Judging by the pictures, the only thing that prevents from saying that it’s probably Gardenia resinifera (=G. lucida) is that the remains of the calyx are a lot shorter and less prominent than the ones I photographed in C India. Pl. also check observations in efi site at Gardenia resinifera
Gardenia species- Lahore botanical garden, Pakistan
Updated on December 24, 2024