Gasteria obliqua (Cultivated)Gasteria obliqua (Aiton) Duval, Pl. Succ. Horto Alencon. 6 1809. (Syn: Aloe bicolor (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe boureana Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe dictyodes Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe formosa (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe guttata Salm-Dyck; Aloe lingua Ker Gawl. [Illegitimate]; Aloe maculata Thunb. [Illegitimate]; Aloe maculata var. obliqua Aiton; Aloe marmorata Steud.; Aloe nigricans var. fasciata Salm-Dyck; Aloe obliqua (Aiton) Haw. [Illegitimate]; Aloe planifolia Baker [Illegitimate]; Aloe vittata Schult. & Schult.f.; Aloe zeyheri Salm-Dyck; Gasteria bicolor Haw.; Gasteria bicolor var. fallax (Haw.) van Jaarsv.; Gasteria bicolor var. liliputana (Poelln.) van Jaarsv.; Gasteria biformis Poelln.; Gasteria caespitosa Poelln.; Gasteria chamaegigas Poelln.; Gasteria colubrina N.E.Br.; Gasteria fasciata (Salm-Dyck) Haw.; Gasteria formosa Haw.; Gasteria herreana Poelln.; Gasteria kirsteana Poelln.; Gasteria liliputana Poelln.; Gasteria liliputana (Poelln.) Van Jaarsv.; Gasteria lingua (Ker Gawl.) A.Berger [Illegitimate]; Gasteria loeriensis Poelln.; Gasteria longiana Poelln.; Gasteria longibracteata Poelln.; Gasteria maculata Haw.; Gasteria maculata var. dregeana A.Berger; Gasteria maculata var. fallax Haw.; Gasteria marmorata Baker; Gasteria multiplex Poelln.; Gasteria nigricans var. fasciata (Salm-Dyck) Haw.; Gasteria picta Haw.; Gasteria planifolia (Baker) Baker; Gasteria retata Haw.; Gasteria salmdyckiana Poelln.; Gasteria spiralis Baker; Gasteria spiralis var. tortulata Baker; Gasteria variolosa Baker; Gasteria zeyheri (Salm-Dyck) Baker);SE. Cape Prov. as per WCSP;Cape Provinces; Mexico Central; Mexico Northeast; Mexico Southwest as per Catalogue of life;Gasteria minima : Desert House : Conservatory, Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 24JAN19 : AK-56 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)A small plant seen in the Desert House of the Conservatory.Id provided by the ABG’s Planthotline.gasteria. ok. classification… not sureAppears more closer to images of Gasteria obliqua (Aiton) Duval (syn: Aloe bicolor (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.) as perGasteria obliqua obliqua submission : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)Gasteria obliquaLawyer’s Tongue /GasteriaFamily –XanthorrhoeaceaePhotographed in cultivation at Bangalore, KarnatakaDated – 7January2019wonderful pictures. how large is the plant?Thanks … You can compare the plant size with common Aloe vera plant. It’s inflorescence is about a feet long..ok. so each leaflet would be about 6 to 9 or 10 inches?Yes about 6-8 inches long leaves.Gasteria minima : Desert House : Conservatory, Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 24JAN19 : AK-56 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)A small plant seen in the Desert House of the Conservatory.Id provided by the ABG’s Planthotline. gasteria. ok. classification… not sureAppears more closer to images of Gasteria obliqua (Aiton) Duval (syn: Aloe bicolor (Haw.) Schult. & Schult.f.) as perGasteria obliqua Looks close. References:Catalogue of life WCSP Updated on March 10, 2025Related Articles Gasteria species/ hybrids- Hong Kong Gasteria hybrid- Mumbai, Maharashtra