Geastrum fimbriatum

Geastrum fimbriatum Fr., 1829 (syn: Geastrum fimbriatum f. fimbriatum Fr., 1829; Geastrum fimbriatum var. fimbriatum Fr., 1829; Geastrum fimbriatum var. melanocyclum Dörfelt, Kiet & A. Berg
bis, 2004; Geastrum fimbriatum f. pallidum A. H. Sm., 1951; Geastrum fimbriatum var. pseudohieronimii Calonge & M. Mata,
2005; Geastrum rufescens var. minor Pers., 1801; Geastrum sessile (Sowerby) Pouzar, 1971; Geastrum tunicatum Vittad., 1842; Geastrum tunicatum var. tunicatum Vittad., 1842; Lycoperdon sessile Sowerby, 1809);        

Geastrum fimbriatum, commonly known as the fringed earthstar or the sessile earthstar, is an inedible species of mushroom belonging to the genus Geastrum, or earthstar fungi. First described in 1829, the species was a widespread distribution, and is found in Asia, Europe, and the Americas.  

It is distinguished from other earthstars by the delicate fibers that line the circular pore at the top of its spore sac.
The fruit bodies of Geastrum fimbriatum start out roughly spherical and hypogeous. As it matures, it pushed up through the soil and the other layer of the spore case (exoperidium) splits open to form between 5 and 8 rays that curve downward. The fully expanded fruit body has a diameter of up to 3 cm (1.2 in). Before expansion, the outer surface has a cottony surface with adherent soil particles; this ultimately peels off to reveal a smooth, grayish-brown surface. The inner spore sac is yellowish brown and features a small conical pore with fringed edges. Unlike other similar earthstar fungi, the edges of this pore are not sharply delimited from the rest of the spore sac, and do not have grooves.[3] The fruit bodies have no distinctive taste or odor.[6]

The spores are spherical, roughened by many small points or warts, and measure 2.4–4 μm. The capillitium is thick-walled, unbranched, and 4–7 μm thick.[3]

Similar species include Geastrum saccatum, which is larger – up to 5 cm (2.0 in) across – and has a clearly delimited ring-like area around the pore opening. Geastrum rufescens has reddish tones that are absent from G. fimbriatum.[3]

Although typically listed by field guides as an inedible species,[5] it is eaten by the tribal peoples of Madhya Pradesh.[7]

(From Wikipedia on 26.7.13)



July 2013 Pune
sharing pix of Geastrum fimbriatum. Id courtsey  … and … at FungiIndia

Updated on December 24, 2024

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