At Genera pages

These are the guidelines for inserting images at genera pages from species pages, after images of all species in that particular genera are inserted.

We are in an exciting phase as our database becomes more and more accurate with the scrutiny & insertion of images at species, genera and family pages.
Initially images were inserted from a few threads & it so happened that images were not correct. So I decided to go through all the threads in a species page & try to insert at least a few images above each of them. During the process, I find that images in some of threads look different (naturally they are from a different species unless there are lot of variations in that species). As I repeat this process for other species in a genera, generally identity of wrongly identified posts becomes clear & I accordingly resurface them with correct id with the intimation to the posted member & the members who have participated in that thread to ensure that I get feedback from them, if they feel otherwise. These are further reviewed accordingly. Of course, sometimes matters get very complicated and I have to refer to the keys in the floras & books available in the net along with our discussions & keys therein.
Simultaneously I insert images at genera pages from where it becomes quite easy to compare different species. I have started keeping images from different threads separately so that if any misidentification is noticed in any of the threads, it is accordingly rectified. One can see one of our latest pages at Pogostemon.
I also check images at Flowers of India site and point out mistakes to Tabish ji and get his additional feedbacks.
Sometimes some of the images are from other genera, which I try to correct as I progress from one genera to another in that family. Also there are lot of threads which had remain unidentified, I also try to give correct identification for these. 
By the end of the process, it is a great feeling of becoming an expert on that genera at least for those species which are in our database. I think this is possible due to the insights of the experts and members which we get in the threads. Multiple observations help a lot in that matter.
I do not know what is the process followed in the herbariums. But I see there are corrections from time to time in many of the herbarium sheets we use for identification of our species.

——— Guideline to insert images of several species in a GENUS page in Tabular Form ——–
modified format :-
  1. Open genus page in “maximize(d)” window
  2. Open 2 or 3 or more species pages; each in separate window/tab; also check if species pages already contain image-thumbnails (IF NOT, please edit the species pages first, it will make editing the genus page easier)
  3. Click EDIT button in genus page enabling editing mode
  4. Scroll downwards just below the “Subpage Listing” and Insert a “Horizontal Line” just below it
  5. Place the cursor below the “Horizontal Line” and Press “ENTER” key 2 or 3 times to expand your working space (where you are going to insert images of the first species)
  6. Now, instead of “inserting image” SELECT a TABLE from the MENU. Please select only 1 column & 1 row (see the picture below -)
  7. /inserting-images/genara-pages/Clipboard01.jpg?attredirects=0

  8. Click on the TABLE and expand it right side to roughly a size that can house all 3 thumbnails side-by-side inside this table (please see the picture below -)
  9. /inserting-images/genara-pages/Clipboard02.jpg?attredirects=0

  10. Write species name first + link with species page (see the picture below -)
  11. /inserting-images/genara-pages/Clipboard03.jpg?attredirects=0

    Press ENTER key to go to next line (below the species name) inside the TABLE

  12. Copy-paste (in IE or copy URL-paste in chrome) image thumbnails of a species one by one inside this table (below the species name)
  13. Press DOWN arrow key to move below (outside) the table
  14. Insert a horizontal line
  15. Repeat steps 6 to 14 to work on the 2nd species
  16. THANK YOU (please note you can see the above three illustrative pictures in bigger size by visiting the embedded links

Guidelines for insertion of images at Genera pages from species pages :
It is just copying & pasting & nothing more. Very simple & takes only minimal time.
1. Open genera & species pages in efi site in two separate windows.
2. From species page window (e.g. Dillenia tetrapetala), one has (without going into edit mode) to right click the mouse on one of the images & select Copy. This way the image is copied.
3. On genera page (e.g. Dillenia), go into edit mode. Create some space after the horizontal line after Subpage Listing by using Enter key.  Write Dillenia tetrapetala below the horizontal line after subpage listing (as in the Dillenia page). Paste the copied image just below it (Pl. check that it is working satisfactorily & opening to a large image in your browser before proceeding further). [**]
4. Now copy another image from the species page & put the cursor at genera page after proving some space from the first image & paste it (This will insure some space between the two images so that image links do not automatically get removed).
5. Pl. repeat this process till all the images (I think maximum upto 4 images showing different aspects) are copied from species page (i.e. Dillenia tetrapetala), to the genera page. Now Insert a ‘Horizontal Line’ after this (By going into Insert drop-down menu & selecting ‘Horizontal Line’).
6. Now open Dillenia suffruticosa in species page window. and repeat the process of copying the images from here to Dillenia page after writing Dillenia suffruticosa after the Horizontal line.
7. Similarly process has to be completed from another pages like Dillenia pentagyna & & Dillenia indica
8. Images on genera pages has to arranged in alphabetical order as at Dillenia page
I request members to try one for themselves.
**[In Google chrome, one get two options (1) copy image (2) copy image URL. The first option i.e. “copy image” and pasting it in genus page simply copies the small image, it doesn’t copy the link of the original image, thereby no link to original image is created in genus page. In Google chrome one will have to “copy image URL” in species page and paste the same URL in genus page by “insert image” option (as one did in species page). This process takes more time than in the Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer, again one get two options (1) copy (2) copy shortcut. Here one opt for “copy” in species page and paste the same in genus page. This copies both the thumbnail and the link. This method takes much less time because one wouldn’t have to go for the elaborate process of selecting “insert image -> select image link -> paste image link -> wait for image to be loaded -> etc”.]

Updated on December 24, 2024

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