Gentiana clarkei

Tiny herb barley 1-3 cm tall, branched from base; leaves obovate to spatulate, 2-5 mm long, margin membranous, apex rounded, midvein not prominent, petiole tube 2-3 mm long; calyx 7-9 mm long; corolla blue tubular, 10-14 mm long, barely 2-3 mm in diam, lobes ovate, margin entire, plicae slightly shorter than lobes, toothed or slightly bifid; capsule narrowly ellipsoi, 8-10 mm long.

Images by Gurcharan Singh, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images).


Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae-Gentiana Clarkei from Kashmir: Gentiana clarkei Kusnezow, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg. 15: 419. 1904.
Syn: Gentiana pygmaea Clarke (non Regel.) 
Tiny herb barley 1-3 cm tall, branched from base; leaves obovate to spatulate, 2-5 mm long, margin membranous, apex rounded, midvein not prominent, petiole tube 2-3 mm long; calyx 7-9 mm long; corolla blue tubular, 10-14 mm long, barely 2-3 mm in diam, lobes ovate, margin entire, plicae slightly shorter than lobes, toothed or slightly bifid; capsule narrowly ellipsoi, 8-10 mm long. 
Photographs from Khillenmarg Kashmir, alt. 3200 m.




Id PLZ Attachments (2).  5 posts by 3 authors.
please id this plant
it is herb found at Tungnath
May 2013 

Can this be Gentiana pedicellata..? 

I think Gentiana clarkei Kusnezow (syn: G. pgmaea Clarke) 





Herb for identification from Uttarakhand :  Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Photographed the herb with blue flowers at Kandara bugyal (Grassland) near Harsil in Uttarkashi district on 30 April 2013. It may be a species of Gentiana.

I hope Gentiana clarkei



This tiny plant from alpine region of Khillenmarg, Kashmir seems interesting in more than one way. Barely 1-3 cm long plant with its spathulate leaves, corolla with folds (plicae) shorter than lobes and no fimbriae seems to fit well with G. pygmaea in FBI, which is mostly (eFl China, eFl Pak) considered as synonym of G. clarkei.
FBI describes another species G. thomsonii with 4-merous flowers but no corolla folds. According to eFlora of Pakistan this is real G. pygmaea (for which they have given name Aliopsis pygmaea (Regel & Schmalh.) Omer & Qaiseri.
My plant seems to have both 4-merous and 5-merous specimens but with distinct folds. Looks interesting. Your feedback please
Photographs from Khillenmarg Kashmir, alt. 3200 m. 

Thanks for sending mail and photographs of very interesting species of Gentianaceae. The study of characters of species is very helpful. Before, I proceed for comments. Please study and compare the 4-lobed and 5-lobed corolla specimens are the same. Since the specimens are lying with you so it is very easy to study details of the characteristics of the species under study. However, I will also give my opinion shortly. Sir, you are competent to come out with your own relevant conclusion. 

I agree with you that plant uploaded is Gentiana clarkei

Updated on December 24, 2024

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