Gentiana coronata

Gentiana coronata (D.Don ex Royle) Griseb., Prodr. 9: 109 1845. (Syn: Ericala coronata D.Don ex G.Don; Eyrythalia coronata D.Don; Varasia coronata (Royle) Soják (Unresolved));

Images by Suresh Rana (ID Gurcharan Singh), inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details).


Sharing Gentiana species from Paddar valley
Kindly confirm ID
Bot. name; Gentiana carinata
Family: Gentianaceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 3000 meters asl
Date: 16th May 2012

Yes … this what I was referring to. This plant is often reported as G. carinata but as you can see, and I saw in most specimens from Gulmarg, the fringed corolla is unmistakable. This should identify this plant with G. coronata.

Perhaps this plant needs to be studied more critically.



Plant for ID from Paddar valley Kishtwar J&K: 121111 SRANA 02: 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).

Request for Identification

Date : 14th June 2011
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K
Altitude: 3962 meters asl
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
A spreading herb with dark blue flowers

I hope Gentiana venusta

Absolutely Gentiana venusta

Sorry, this is definitely not Gentiana venusta. I shall take a closer look at Gentiana – not an easy genus (like so many others…) when time permits.

Appears close to images at Gentiana coronata (D.Don ex Royle) Griseb.



Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae: Gentiana coronata??? En-route Hampta Pass: Kindly Validate the ID.
Bot. name: Gentiana coronata???
Family: Gentianaceae
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 01:45PM
Location: Balu ka Gera on the way to hampta Pass (Alt. approx. 12500 ft)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb.

The corolla lacks fimbriae to qualify for G. coronata or G. carinata. This could be G. aquatica but leaves appear pointed.

Gentiana tubiflora (G.Don) Griseb. as per another thread.

This is definitely not Gentiana tubiflora. I will inspect these images more closely when time permits.  In the mean-time, I will shortly be posting an image I took of the true G.tubiflora on the nearby Hampta Pass

Certainly not Gentiana tubiflora but Gentiana sensu lato needs a close look.  Likely to require some DAYS to go through all the images I have (of my own) plus those on eFI properly.
Cannot meaningfully comment further at this point. 

The species is Gentiana coronata.

Gentiana carinata is reduced as synonym of Gentiana Coronata by some earlier worker such as Kusnezow (1906), Burkill (1907), Garg (1987). W

Morphological variations exists within this species, our taxonomic circumscription yet to come later.



Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae: Gentiana sp??? En-route Hampta Pass::PKA17 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

ID please…
some Gentiana sp..???
Family: Gentianaceae
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 01:45PM
Location: Balu ka Gera on the way to hampta Pass (Alt. approx. 12500 ft)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb.

Leaves imbricate, acute, flowers solitary and terminal are the characteristic features of Gentiana tubiflora (G.Don) Griseb. (Sing SK & G.S. Rawat 2000. Flora of great Himalayan national park.)

Sorry, definitely not Gentiana tubiflora which I have seen and photographed on the Rohtang Pass, H.P.  There are many Gentianas.  Yet another Family/Genus which I shall check further when time permits.




Gentiana carinata?- 27102010-PKA3 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).  

Bot. name: Gentiana carinata (Kindly validate the ID)
Family: Gentianaceae
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 01:45PM
: Balu ka Gera on the way to hampta Pass (Alt. approx. 12500 ft)
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb.

A reply from another thread
“… The corolla lacks fimbriae to qualify for G. coronata or G. carinata. This could be G. aquatica but leaves appear pointed.” 

Gentiana tubiflora (G.Don) Griseb. as per another thread.

Definitely not Gentiana tubiflora. Shall look further into Gentiana on efI when time permits. Not an easy genus – like so many others!


Gentiana species for identification.

Sizes would have helped id. Guess is G carinata.

Appear similar to … unidentified images at Gentiana species- Balu ka Gera on the way to Hampta Pass in Himachal

As you are working on Western Himlayan Gentiana, may I request you to pl. help in this id. 

I place this species as Gentiana coronata.

Gentiana carinata is reduced as synonym of Gentiana coronata by some earlier worker such as Kusnezow (1906), Burkill (1907), Garg (1987).

Place: Rohtang Pass
Time: Jun 2, 2008 around 12:22pm

Habit: herb
Habitat: mountain slope
Plant height: about 4 – 5 inches (not sure)
Apologies, this is the sole photo.

I have placed this plant as Gentiana coronata, the accurate placements will be established soon based on the observation of all variation ranges.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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