Gentiana leucomelaena

Gentiana leucomelaena Maximowicz ex Kusnezow, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 34: 505. 1892. (Syn: Gentiana humilis Steven var. evolutior C. B. Clarke; G. leucomelaena var. alba Kusnezow; G. leucomelaena var. pusilla Krylov.);
Common name: Blue-Dotted Gentian

Images by Sayed Nudrat Zawar (ID Gurcharan Singh), inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more image).


ID for Leh Flowers 31 a-d : Attachments (4). 9 posts by 5 authors.
Please help with the ID

Gentiana sp.

Could be Gentiana leucomelaena

Gentiana stipitata ?

This should be Gentiana leucomelaena, as … says. Compare with the pic, for instance.

I have slight doubts, though I may be wrong. Please check the leaves

I think the corolla of G. stipitata Edgew. (considered as synonym of G. cachemerica Dcne.) is longer tubular with small entire plicae.

G. leucomelaena Maxim. (syn: G. humilis Steven var. evolutior C. B. Clarke) has smaller flowers with grey shade and bluish dots, the plicae larger and irregularly lacinate as can be seen in above photographs. 

 Images by Gurcharan Singh, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more image).



Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Gentiana leucomelaena from Ladakh-GSJUL12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).   

I am uploading a few Gentiana species from Ladakh in my Herbarium record with the hope that It motivates … and … to shed their hesitation and participate in exploration trip to Ladakh any time between July 15 to August 15, in 2015 (As I would be in USA up to end of September this year). I assure them, and others who join, you will find a real treasure of plants there.  I have herbarium specimens of these plants, and waiting to get live photographs.
Gentiana leucomalaena Maxim.
syn: Criminalis leucomelaena (Maxim) Zuyev; G. aquatica Clarke (non L.)
A delicate herb branched from base, each branch terminating into a flower; basal leaves, basal leaves ovate-obovate, acuminate; cauline opposite with united bases, oblanceolate, acuminate; calyx 1/3 as long as corolla; corolla blue or white, 6-10 mm long, lobes obovate-ovate, dark blue spots in throat, plicae laciniate; capsule oblanceolate, long stalked.
Photographed from Sanku, Suru Valley Ladakh on 21-7-1971  


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Gentiana leucomelaena :: ARK2022-157: 4 high res. images.

This was at a small meadow just before Pangong tso. I think this is Gentiana leucomelaena.
Marmots were in abundance here and it was a ‘masst spot’ ‘for a ‘must stop’ en route Pangong tso.
Requested to please validate.


Yes, appears close to images at Gentiana leucomelaena




Flora of China  The Plant List (Unresolved) Flowers of India 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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