Gentiana leucomelaena Maximowicz ex Kusnezow, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 34: 505. 1892. (Syn: Gentiana humilis Steven var. evolutior C. B. Clarke; G. leucomelaena var. alba Kusnezow; G. leucomelaena var. pusilla Krylov.); . Common name: Blue-Dotted Gentian .
ID for Leh Flowers 31 a-d : Attachments (4). 9 posts by 5 authors. Gentiana sp. Could be Gentiana leucomelaena Gentiana stipitata ? This should be Gentiana leucomelaena, as … says. Compare with the pic, for instance. I have slight doubts, though I may be wrong. Please check the leaves I think the corolla of G. stipitata Edgew. (considered as synonym of G. cachemerica Dcne.) is longer tubular with small entire plicae. G. leucomelaena Maxim. (syn: G. humilis Steven var. evolutior C. B. Clarke) has smaller flowers with grey shade and bluish dots, the plicae larger and irregularly lacinate as can be seen in above photographs.
Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Gentiana leucomelaena from Ladakh-GSJUL12 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). I am uploading a few Gentiana species from Ladakh in my Herbarium record with the hope that It motivates … and … to shed their hesitation and participate in exploration trip to Ladakh any time between July 15 to August 15, in 2015 (As I would be in USA up to end of September this year). I assure them, and others who join, you will find a real treasure of plants there. I have herbarium specimens of these plants, and waiting to get live photographs. Gentiana leucomalaena Maxim. syn: Criminalis leucomelaena (Maxim) Zuyev; G. aquatica Clarke (non L.) A delicate herb branched from base, each branch terminating into a flower; basal leaves, basal leaves ovate-obovate, acuminate; cauline opposite with united bases, oblanceolate, acuminate; calyx 1/3 as long as corolla; corolla blue or white, 6-10 mm long, lobes obovate-ovate, dark blue spots in throat, plicae laciniate; capsule oblanceolate, long stalked. Photographed from Sanku, Suru Valley Ladakh on 21-7-1971 .
This was at a small meadow just before Pangong tso. I think this is Gentiana leucomelaena. Marmots were in abundance here and it was a ‘masst spot’ ‘for a ‘must stop’ en route Pangong tso. Requested to please validate. Yes. Yes, appears close to images at Gentiana leucomelaena |
Gentiana leucomelaena
Updated on December 24, 2024