Gentiana tianschanica

Perennial herb with unbranched ascending stems, uo to 25 cm tall; Basal leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long, on 2-5 cm long petiole; cauline leaves in up to 5 pairs, linear to lanceolate; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes, flowers nearly sessile, or rarely pedicellate; calyx tube split on one side, 7-9 mm long, lobes linear, 8-10 mm long; corolla pale blue  to nearly yellow, funnel-like, 2-3 cm long; plicae triangular; lobes ovate-elliptic to ovate, 4-6 mm long; capsules narrowly ellipsoid, up to 15 mm long, on up to 10 mm long stalk.

Images by Suresh Rana (ID by Gurcharan Singh), inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images) 


Kindly identify this Gentiana species

Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 3800 meters asl
Date: 6th August 2011

I think it could be Gentian tianschanica (Gentiana decumbens) which differs from G. kurroo in smaller 1.5-3 cm long (as against 2-6 cm long) clustered (as against solitary), calyx tube shorter than lobes (and not longer) and basal leaves persistent at flowering time. … may please confirm further.

I have also kept this plant under name Gentian tianschanica but was not sure.

The plant is clustered and have short calyx tube than lobes

Images by Gurcharan Singh, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images) 


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentianaceae-Gentiana tianschanica from Kashmir-GSJUL16 : 1

post by 1 author. Attachments (1).  
Gentiana tianschanica Ruprecht, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint Pétersbourg, sér. 7. 14(4): 61. 1869. 
Perennial herb with unbranched ascending stems, uo to 25 cm tall; Basal leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate leaves up to 15 cm long, on 2-5 cm long petiole; cauline leaves in up to 5 pairs, linear to lanceolate; flowers in axillary or terminal cymes, flowers nearly sessile, or rarely pedicellate; calyx tube split on one side, 7-9 mm long, lobes linear, 8-10 mm long; corolla pale blue  to nearly yellow, funnel-like, 2-3 cm long; plicae triangular; lobes ovate-elliptic to ovate, 4-6 mm long; capsules narrowly ellipsoid, up to 15 mm long, on up to 10 mm long stalk. 
Photographed from Meenamarg, Kashmir.

Images by Gurinder Goraya (ID by N S Chauhan) inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images) 


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Fortnight: Gentiana for ID from Himachal : GSG-10 : 3 posts by 2 authors.

This Gentiana species looks as much like G. kurroo as it looks different. I have not been able to place it correctly [Kinnaur; 3200 m asl; September 2011]

Gentiana tianschanika– Bara Tikta,- Bitter in taste, found sporadic in spiti cold desert area also

Updated on December 24, 2024

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