Gentianella moorcroftiana

Erect annual herb, branched from base, up to 20 cm tall; basal leaves obovate, obovate, cauline linear-lanceolate, with indistinct veins; flowers in cymes, on long stalks, 5-merous; calyx 7-8 mm long with linear lobes; corolla blue yellow in throat, 12-15 mm long, lobes oblong up to 4 mm long; capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, 6-8 mm long on barely 2 mm long stalk.

Kindly confirm ID
Bot. name: Gentianella moorcroftiana
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 3000 meters asl
Date: 6th August 2011

Yes …


Kindly identify the plant.
Date: 6th August 2011.
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 4500 meters asl.
Plant height: 20-30 cms

Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb

check it for gentianella spp.

Possibly Gentianella moorcroftiana

Kindly identify this Gentiana species
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Altitude: 3500 meters asl

Date: 6th August 2011

Looks like G. moorcroftiana only.

Date : 14th June 2011
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K
Altitude: 4012 meters asl
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb
Plant height: 3-5 cm

A tufted cushion forming herb with deep blue flower and long reddish leaves

Perhaps Gentiana kashmiriana

Yes Gentiana cashmiriana ….

kindly nullify the typo

No match found for these both even in IPNI:  IPNI 1  IPNI 2

The correct name appears to be Gentiana cachemirica Decne. as per The Plant List & Flora of Pakistan

May be Gentianella moorcroftiana.

I am not able to locate interlobal plicae (lobes between corolla lobes) which is characteristic to Gentiana genus. If these plicae are not present it seems Gentianella sp.

I am unsure what this is and do not at present have the time to check further as still busy with Androsace but I state with certainty it is not Gentiana cachemirica Dcne – which is the correct spelling of this species name as … has pointed out.  It is my intention to inspect Gentianaceae on eFI joining a long list of other families awaiting my attention!

Gentianella moorcroftiana (Wall. ex Griseb.) Airy Shaw as per another thread: Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae, Gentiana 03 from Paddar valley J&K:



Pangi i.d. – al021011: There were so many of these blues…

Location Pangi Valley, Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 8 inches

May be Jaeschkea gentianoides, but needs confirmation

It looks like gentianella moorcroftiana

It looks me Gentiana moorcrofitiana

Not certain as to my first impressions so will need to check further when time permits. Definitely not a Jaeschkea 

Gentianella moorcroftiana (Wallich ex G. Don) Airy Shaw, Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 35: t. 3431. 1943.
Syn: Gentiana moorcroftiana Wall. ex G. Don; Aliopsis moorcroftiana (Wall. ex G. Don) Omer
Erect annual herb, branched from base, up to 20 cm tall; basal leaves obovate, obovate, cauline linear-lanceolate, with indistinct veins; flowers in cymes, on long stalks, 5-merous; calyx 7-8 mm long with linear lobes; corolla blue yellow in throat, 12-15 mm long, lobes oblong up to 4 mm long; capsule ovoid-ellipsoid, 6-8 mm long on barely 2 mm long stalk.

Photographed from Drass, Ladakh on 20-8-1971

Please read G. moorcroftiana in subject line

Thanks Sir for these wonderful posts, I hope you will be much desperate to shoot them in real..
Please plan a visit in August next year as you have expressed…


Gentiana: Plz validate the ID of Gentiana cachemerica. Vishen Sar, Kashmir (3900 m)

I dont think this is Gentiana!!

Yes …. is right, Not Gentiana as neither plicae nor fimbriae are present. Perhaps Gentianella as calyx tube is very small. G. moorcroftiana or G. maddeni.

This is definitely not Gentiana cachemirica – which actually is found on rocks above Krishensar lake nearby. Looks like Gentianella moorcroftiana to me – which I am most familiar with from Ladakh but is also common in Kashmir @ 2400-3600m (so just within altitudinal limits of this range).


Gentiana sp??191010-PKA3 : 10 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (4)

This looks like Gentiana sp. Photographed just at the periphery of Chandratal Lake (Spiti).
Date/Time: 30-09-2010 / 08:40AM
Location: In the vicinity of Chandratal Lake (Spiti) at the altitude of approx. 14200ft.
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

Gentiana tubiflora

Gentiana tubiflora I think, found a photo of it in the book flowers of Himalaya.

This did look like Gentiana tubiflora to me, until I looked at the sepals. These flowers have narrow linear sepals, whereas G. tubuflora
is supposed to have short, triangular or narrow-ovate sepals.
Also, I feel it may not be Gentiana at all, because there are no “lobules” alternating with the petals. Could be a Gentianella species.

Yeah, atleast this is not G. tubiflora as flowers are not solitary.

Will need to check this out further to be sure but can state that it is definitely not Gentiana tubiflora which is not recorded from Ladakh (which borders Chandertal Lake) and is not to be expected in Lahoul.  Yes, this species is included in ‘Flora of Lahaul-Spiti’ but incorrectly so as this is yet another record from the Kulu Valley side (or very top) of Rohtang (where I have seen it myself) which should not be included in a Flora of Lahaul-Spiti (would be a much thinner volume if all the Rohtang records were removed.

I think Gentianella moorcroftiana (Wall. ex Griseb.) Airy Shaw as per images herein.


Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week: Gentianaceae: Gentiana tubiflora?? from Chandratal:   This looks like Gentiana sp. In earlier discussion, … and … has indicated that this could be Gentiana tubiflora.

Date/Time: 30-09-2010 / 08:40AM
Location: In the vicinity of Chandratal Lake (Spiti) at the altitude of approx. 14200ft.
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb

I wonder whether you have one species here. First and last plant (please upload open corolla image if you have) are different from second and third. Almost linear calyx lobes rule out G. tubiflora.
Second and third photograph also don’t seem to be belonging to G. tubiflora: Firstly I can’t see plicae (folds between lobes) in your plant. Secondly the throat seems to have a corona of fimbrieae although not very clear.

Let us see if we can resolve these issues.

I think Gentianella moorcroftiana (Wall. ex Griseb.) Airy Shaw as per images herein.


Request for Species id of Gentianella
1 high resolution image.
Please check the attached image of Gentianella.
captured at Kedarnath UK

Habitat and leaf images please!

Did you not click the habit image of the plant showing a full plant ?
I could not find a match in existing species in efloraofindia as per comparative images at Gentianella and Comastoma.
On checking other species in GBIF, I think it looks close to a specimen of Gentianella lowndesii Harry Sm. as per GBIF– specimen.
However, its distribution is given only in Nepal as per ChecklistPOWO and CoL.
Looks different from the other species as given below: (Gentianella angustiflora Harry Sm.)
But can not be confirmed with the posted image. 

Please check G. gentianoides (Franch.) Harry Sm.

Refer flora of China for an elaborate description.

I have the same opinion … I did check all

possible recorded i that locality but nothing seems to match !

Thanks, … I don’t think it matches with Gentianella gentianoides as per GBIF specimens- specimen 1.

it clearly matches with Gentianella moorcroftiana, check

No. it does not.

Pl. note the reflexed calyx.

just find some more images of the same species, please check.

On further rechecking as pet details and species at Gentianella, the best species which fits is Gentianella moorcroftiana only as per images and details herein. and as per GBIF specimens from India– specimen 1specimen 2 and specimen 3

Only worry was reflexed calyx, which is seen in the specimens in some of the flowers. 


Updated on December 24, 2024

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