Geranium sibiricum

Geranium sibiricum L., Sp. Pl. 683 1753. (syn: Geranium acrocarphum Ledeb.; Geranium amurense Tsyren.; Geranium europaeum Popov; Geranium ruthenicum R.Uechtr.; Geranium sibiricum subsp. eusibiricum Gams in Hegi; Geranium sibiricum var. glabrius (H. Hara) Ohwi; Geranium sibiricum f. glabrius H. Hara; Geranium sibiricum var. multiflorum Z.H.Lu; Geranium sibiricum subsp. popovii Tzvelev; Geranium sibiricum subsp. ruthenicum (R.Uechtr.) Gams; Geranium variabile Moench);

SK117SEP29-2016:ID : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Nubra Valley on 21 August 2016.
Is it Geranium nepalense? Leaves look different.

I think Geranium wallachianum

There are 4 species of Geranium recorded from Ladakh according to Dickore & Klimes.  There is only one small-flowered species.
Geranium nepalense is very common in the temperate zone of N.Pakistan & Kashmir @ 1500-2700m (which is the altitude of the lowest part of Ladakh) but not recorded from Ladakh; it was common in Shimla (and may well be).
I cannot make out much of its leaves – upper foliage can be quite different to lower leaves; as with the Vicia I commented on, photos of the stipules are most useful.  The foliage it is growing amongst is of a different plant altogether. At Shimla G.nepalense flowers are pale purple and slightly notched.
Have so little to go on (please photograph lower part of plants next time incl. close up of any stipules – if present) to help confirm identification – taking shots of individual leaves (both upper and lower surface) is a good idea.
But feel this probably matches Geranium sibiricum satisfactorily and unlikely to be anything else, though one should always check, if images posted permit closer inspection.

I guess Geranium sibiricum L. is correct ID.

G. sibiricum looks good
Yeo in Hardy Geraniums writes: it resembles G. nepalense but differs in sharply lobed narrow leaf divisions and and constantly 1-flowered cymules.

I think the leaves seen in DSC_0785.JPG do not belong to this plant. To me those leaves don’t even look like Geranium leaves. I urge people to have a relook at this.

Yes, leaves are from different sp., may be Potentilla !

So it might as well be Geranium nepalense

But … has ID as G. sibiricum and is included in efi as well.


Geranium sibiricum from Kashmir-GS02102021-1: 3 images- 2 high res.
Geranium sibiricum, similar looking to G. nepalense but more flaccid branched habit, 1-flowered peduncle, longer calyx awn and retuse petals.
Photographed from Dachhigam, Kashmir, 2000 m alt, 10-8-2011.



References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  BSI Flora of India  PFAF Nature Gate  Illinois Wildflowers  GBIF (specimens from China)  Specimen

Updated on December 24, 2024

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