Geum elatum Wall. ex G.Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 526 (1832). (syn: Geum adnatum Wall.; Geum sieversii Scheutz; Sieversia adnata G.Don; Sieversia elata Royle); . Geum elatum Wall., Gen. Syst. 2: 526 (1832). (syn: Acomastylis elata (Wall.) F. Bolle; Acomastylis elata var. leiocarpa (W.E. Evans) F. Bolle ; Acomastylis elata f. rubrum Ludlow; Geum elatum var. leiocarpum W.E. Evans ; Geum sieversii Hort. ex Scheutz ; Potentilla adnata (G. Don) Wall. ex Lehm. ; Sieversia adnata G. Don ; Sieversia elata (Wall.) Royle ) as per Catalogue of Life; . China (Shaanxi, Sichuan), Tibet, Bhutan, Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir), Nepal, Sikkim, Pakistan (Hazara, Chitral, Kurram, Swat), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai) as per Catalogue of Life; . Common name: High Avens • Nepali: बेलोचा Belocha . Perennial herb with up to 30 cm long basal leaves, deeply pinnatisect with closely set leaflets, upper few smaller; flowering stem with few small leaves, with 1-6 flowers; flowers yellow, 2-4 cm across; calyx-lobes deltoid-ovate; petals orbicular, exceeding the calyx, yellow; achenes hairy, acute at both ends. . Radical leaves 10-30cm, leaflets 10-15 pairs (often with other minor lobes and leaflets between them), broadly elliptic, up to 2.5 x 2cm, acute or obtuse, base sessile attached to rachis along most of width, margin crenate dentate, ciliate or sparsely pubescent; cauline leaves narrowly elliptic in outline, 2-3 x0.3-1cm; stipules narrow, adnate to petiole. Peduncles 8-40cm bearing 1-3 flowers. Calyx cup 6-8mm diameter, pubescent, often reddish purple, lobes broadly ovate 4 x 3-4mm; epicalyx segments elliptic 2mm. Petals yellow, suborbicular or obovate, 7-15 x 10mm. Achenes ellipsoid 2-3mm, silky pubescent, whole style persistent 4-5mm, capitate. Pangi flowers id al310811a: Into the valley rode… Location Sach Pass (Chamba-Pangi) Altitude 4500 mts Habit herb Habitat wild Height 18 inches Geum elatum now correctly known as Acomastylis elata (Wall. ex G. Don) F. Bolle <> Yes I support Sir Ji for this ID Basal leaves look similar to many unrelated ground hugging plants …dandelion comes to mind… Rosaceae Week: Potentilla gerardiana_RKC03_04102011: I think we need to investigate it further. To me it looks as if basal leaves belong to Acomastylis elata (Geum elatum; Sieversia elata). Surely they don’t belong to P. gerardiana., although upper leaves are surely of Unfortunately, I don’t have other photographs showing basal leaves! … from Himachal Pradesh has also identified this plant to be as Acomastylis elata (=Geum elatum). Some more photographs of basal leaves??? May be Geum elatum You may be right, Looking at so many specimens from VOF, I have a feeling that we may be having both varieties in our uploads. It appears that my upload from Kashmir and … from Valley of Flowers with compact basal leaflets with no smaller ones inbetween, low habit and stem with single flower may be Acomastylis elata var. humilis (Geum elatum var. humilis). The above plant (if leaves support it)) and others with taller habit, basal leaves with interspersed smaller leaflets, taller branches with more than one flower on each stem may be the typical Acomastylis elata var. elata. Perhaps some more critical study is needed. Cropped High res pics… May be of some help I think yes Acomastylis elata var. elata
Definitely looks different from mine and one on Flowers of India. Please check basal leaves But my own comment on this thread solves the confusion Your plant is Geum elatum var. elatum now known as Acomastylis elata (Wall. ex G Don) F. Bolle var. elata Mine Acomastylis elata var. humilis (Royle) F. Bolle Rosaceae Fortnight 1-14 Sep.2015: Acomastylis elata from Uttarakhand_DSR_Sep_1/1 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Acomastylis elata (Wall. ex G.Don) F.Bolle (=Geum elatum Wall. ex G.Don) is a common subalpine and alpine perennial herb in Uttarakhand. Leaves make a basal rosette while large bowl shaped nodding flowers are born on branched stem. Photographed in Khalya alpine meadow, Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand in July 2015. Yes …, very distinct plant.
Syn: Geum elatum Wall. ex G. Don; Sieversia elata (Wall. ex G. Don) Royle Perennial herb with up to 30 cm long basal leaves, deeply pinnatisect with closely set leaflets, upper few smaller; flowering stem with few small leaves, with 1-6 flowers; flowers yellow, 2-4 cm across; calyx-lobes deltoid-ovate; petals orbicular, exceeding the calyx, yellow; achenes hairy, acute at both ends. Photographed from Khillenmarg Meadow, above Gulmarg Kashmir in last week of June. Rosaceae Fortnight- Geum elatum from Himachal-GSG36/Sept 2015 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Geum elatum. A very showy element of alpine meadows. Acomastylis elata ABSEP2016/18 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 8 images. I found a couple of plants, first at about 3000m and then at 3300m, which I took to be cinquefoil. Looking at the leaves, I think this is Acomastylis elata (syn: Geum elatum). Please advise. Acomastylis etata—High Avens Above Triund, HP 3000m and above 03-04 September 2016 Yes A.elata (Rosaceae). . Just located the scanned in images of a couple of slides I took of Geum elatum below Mt. Kolahoi in the Upper Lidder Valley, Kashmir in 1985. We recorded it as abundant between Nichinai & Vishensar in 1983. The first shot shows the pinnately-lobed basal leaves quite well. A showy plant. The comparison between the photos I was able to take in 1985 compared with the digital images almost 30 years later just goes to show how far photography has advanced. Another first for eFI. I first got to know this avens in Kashmir during my Kashmir Botanical Expedition of 1983. The plant is typically yellow-flowered in the NW Himalaya though my team saw a scarlet- flowered from near Nichinai. Flowers of Himalaya says shrubberies & open slopes @ 2700-4300m from Pakistan to SE Tibet. They say yellow flowers rarely red. It is often the case that red variants are more often encountered the further SE one goes along the Himalaya for quite a number of species belonging to a range of genera and families. Stewart recorded it from subalpine & alpine meadows, common in Kashmir @ 3-4000m; not recorded from Ladakh. ‘Plants of Gulmarg’ says common though doubt if grows at Gulmarg itself. I know it from Rohtang Pass, H.P. Collett recorded this from Huttoo. It is also mentioned from ‘The Valley of Flowers’ so … may well know the plant from Uttarakhand. Images 1-7 were snapped below Sach Pass, H.P. Images 8 & 9 below Aphawat, Kashmir
Geum elatum Wall. ! .
Geum elatum Wall. & G.Don f. rubrum Ludlow. ?? Could not find any images of Geum elatum Wall. & G.Don f. rubrum on net. POWO gives distribution in Nepal only. Is there anything similar or any other species of Geum reported from Kashmir? May I request you to post other images of this, which you have. …, in discussions at Acomastylis elata from Kashmir stated that the species may rarely also have red flowers. I will also go with … for Geum elatum Yes I agree….. It is Geum elatum. Geum elatum Wall. & G.Don f. rubrum Ludlow. Acomastylis elata from Kashmir: Acomstylis elata (Wall. ex G. Don) F. Bolle, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 72: 83 83 1933 Syn: Geum elatum Wall. ex G. Don; Sieversia elata (Wall. ex G. Don) Royle Perennial herb with up to 30 cm long basal leaves, deeply pinnatisect with closely set leaflets, upper few smaller; flowering stem with few small leaves, with 1-6 flowers; flowers yellow, 2-4 cm across; calyx-lobes deltoid-ovate; petals orbicular, exceeding the calyx, yellow; achenes hairy, acute at both ends. Photographed from Khillenmarg Meadow, above Gulmarg Kashmir in last week of June. I would like the members examine the plant uploaded on FOI. I have a feeling that it may be a species of Potentilla and not Acomastylis elata. Please go through following links. The species may rarely also have red flowers. Please note larger flowers and emarginate petals. Should we take it as Acomastylis elata var. humilis (Royle) F. Bolle in view of your remarks in the thread ? Yes … . VOF Week: Potentilla sp-4 for ID—- En-route Hemkund Sahib: Potentilla peduncularis appears to be the closest match. I thought Potentilla peduncularis was an East Himalayan species. To me this looks closer to Potentilla anserina Potentilla anserina belongs to the group with alternate large and minute leaflets, which I don’t see in this case. Plus leaflets are much different. I also don’t see any stolons. In any case more than ten Potentilla species have been uploaded by … alone. Many of which look interesting. Right now we can only make guesses. Would evaluate them critically later on, although I feel handicapped due to paucity of literature here in California. Perhaps Acomastylis elata (Geum elatum) should come through. I had also just thought of Geum elatum, but you posted before me! 🙂 Thanks … Critical analysis really helps. Our knowledge of Himalayan Flora is really getting refreshed/improved through this VOF trip and uploads. Should we take it as Acomastylis elata var. humilis (Royle) F. Bolle in view of your remarks in the thread ? .
Perhaps Potentilla gerardiana this is Geum elatum I think yes Acomastylis elata Should we take it as Acomastylis elata var. humilis (Royle) F. Bolle in view of your remarks in the thread ?
Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb14 for Id- JM – efloraofindia | Google Groups on 13/8/10 during the trek from Ghangaria (around 11,000 ft.) to Hemkunt Sahib (around 14000 ft.); . Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 3000m. Date: 24 August 2021 Habit : Wild . References: |
Geum elatum
Updated on December 24, 2024