Gliricidia sepium ?; . Simple query: Is this a different variety of gliricidia sepium? : 3 posts by 3 authors. 4 images. I need some help clarifying the identity of this ‘kind’ of Gliricidia sepium – In the Valparai plateau (Southern Western Ghats), locals recognize two kinds of Gliricidia sepium – one has pink flowers, is shrubby and has strong wood (used for pepper posts, fencing etc – seen commonly) while the other has dark purple flowers, is a small tree and its wood is less strong (locally called Avari). I’m not convinced that Avari = gliricidia sepium itself – can someone throw more light on this, if this ‘Avari’ a different variety/sub-species/species? Pardon me if this question has come up already on the group, couldn’t find a lot of information on this on this group or elsewhere. To me these images look different from images at Gliricidia sepium yes. one needs to see those tell tale water spouts .
Pl. check with images at Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Tree – gliricidia sepium |
Gliricidia sepium ?
Updated on December 24, 2024