Gliricidia sepium ?

Gliricidia sepium ?;
I need some help clarifying the identity of this ‘kind’ of Gliricidia sepium – In the Valparai plateau (Southern Western Ghats), locals recognize two kinds of Gliricidia sepium – one has pink flowers, is shrubby and has strong wood (used for pepper posts, fencing etc – seen commonly) while the other has dark purple flowers, is a small tree and its wood is less strong (locally called Avari). I’m not convinced that Avari = gliricidia sepium itself – can someone throw more light on this, if this ‘Avari’ a different variety/sub-species/species?
Pardon me if this question has come up already on the group, couldn’t find a lot of information on this on this group or elsewhere.

To me these images look different from images at Gliricidia sepium
Do you have any habit image ? 

yes. one needs to see those tell tale water spouts

Updated on December 24, 2024

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