Globba multiflora

Globba multiflora Wall. ex Baker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 202 1890. (syn: Globba rubromaculata J.Lal & D.M.Verma; Globba velutina Horan.);
Sikkim to Myanmar : Assam, Bangladesh, East Himalaya, Myanmar as per POWO;

Leafy shoots to 60cm. Leaves lanceolate, caudate, sessile, 20-30 x 3-6cm, pubescent beneath; ligule bilobed, 1-2mm, pubescent. Infl. lax, 20-30cm, pubescent; bracts small, soon deciduous, those ta base of infl. producing bulbils, those from upper part subtending cincinni of 4-6 yellow flowers (flowers not clustered); cincinnus stalks 1cm or much less; bracteoles minute, soon deciduous. Calyx 3-lobed, 3-4mm. Corolla tube 3 x length of calyx, petals ovate, 3mm. Lateral staminodes 3-4mm; lip ± similar, shortly bilobed. Stamen c.1.5cm. Capsule smooth.
(Attributions- H.J Noltie. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE. 1994 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)


MS June, 2017/02 Globba sp. for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)

Location : Reiek, Mizoram
Date : 08-09-2015
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Globba multiflora

Plants from Northeast Tour 2017- Globba for specific id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

This Globba sp. was shot from a dense forest in Vishwanath District, Assam..
Please provide specific id..

Globba schomburgkii Family: Zingiberaceae
Dancing Girl Ginger
Origin: South East Asia 

Globba multiflora

MS March,2018/09 Globba sp. for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 10-09-2016
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Globba multiflora

MS Aug.,2018/17 Globba sp. for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Seling – Tuirini road, Mizoram
Date : 28-08-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Globba multiflora


Updated on December 24, 2024

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