Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg., Linnaea 32: 68 1863. (syn: Glochidion acuminatum var. acuminatum ; Glochidion hayatae Croizat & H.Hara; Glochidion hypoleucum Hayata [Illegitimate]);
. Nepal to Indo-China and Nansei-shoto: Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Taiwan, Thailand as per POWO; .
Similar to G.velutinum but less pubescent throught , leaves lanceolate, 7-12*2-3.5cm, acuminate, ovate often green above and pale beneath when dry, female flowers with short columnar style with 4-5 short erect lobes, fruit small 6-8mm diameter, deeply 4-6lobed with minute persistent columnar style. April-June
Warm broad-leaved forests
(Attributions- Grierson A.J.C &Long D.G. Flora of Bhutan. Volume 1 Part 3. Published by RBGE 1987 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)
. Glochidion acuminatum (Phyllanthaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg. var. acuminatum. Noted to be a tree. Image taken and shared by Late M. K. Pathak. Thanks, … WCSP gives it as a syn. of Phyllanthus meghalayensis Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr., J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 33: 714 (2009). Well, the species under discussion was transferred to Phyllanthus following the suggestions given by Kathriarachchi et al. (2005) and Hoffmann et al. (2006) based on molecular studies that the genera Breynia, Sauropus and Glochidion should be merged under a single genus, Phyllanthus. However, subsequently there were arguments that if such a merger is done, Phyllanthus will become a mega-genus which will further complicate the taxonomy of this already difficult and diverse genus. Therefore, as per the latest views, Glochidion should be treated as a separate genus, as done by J. D. Hooker in 1887, well characterized by and distinguished from Phyllanthus by the absence of disc glands in flowers. At present, as per the present acceptance and usage, the genus Phyllanthus in its present circumscription is distinct from Glochidion, Sauropus and Breynia, the last two being treated now as a single genus, Breynia. Glochidion sphaerogynum (Phyllanthaceae) : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. A fitting tribute, …, for the gentle soul.
Water runs from my eyes to see his name as he always helped us with his expertise.
I still can’t reconcile that he is no more. My sincere tribute to him… One of the best field workers I’ve ever met. Many of his collections are still waiting to be identified. Glochidion acuminatum as per another thread: Glochidion acuminatum (Phyllanthaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh
A short columnar style is clearly visible and therefore this is Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg. var. acuminatum.
Altitude : ca 1,500 m.
Date : 25-11-2013
Habit : Tree
Habitat : Wild
This is very interesting. The deeply lobed 3-4-locular capsules and the small, free or almost free styles clearly points to Glochidion mishmiense Hook.f., originally described from the Mishmi Hills of Arunachal Pradesh and recently attributed to China. However, please note that the branchlets, petioles and leaves on the undersurface here appear to be completely glabrous. If it is so, you can describe this as a new variety of G. mishmiense (if you have collected specimens). It may be mentioned that species of Glochidion invariably have a glabrous/ pubescent counterpart, e.g. G. zeylanicum, G. multiloculare, and so on. Please reject my earlier comments. The leaves will be strongly rolling/curling upwards along margins on drying.
… has expressed some doubts in a personal mail. If the styles are slightly bulging and button-like then sphaerogynum or else if the styles are connate and columnar then G. acuminatum.
Thanks, …, for the id.
Going by the fruit shape, it appears more closer to images at Glochidion acuminatum rather than those at Glochidion sphaerogynum
Well, the characters of the female flowers, especially the styles and the fruits are among the important diagnostic characters in the genus Glochidion.
The present images are of very low resolution. We can see a leafy twig with infructescences having clusters of pedicellate capsular fruits in the axils of fallen leaves simulating a raceme (pseudoraceme). Next, the fruits were 4-locular, deeply lobed and some lobes again bilobulte. In this alliance we have species like G. tirupathiense, G. acuminatum, G. sphaerogynum and so on. They are distinguishable mainly by the charcters of the styes.
Glochidion acuminatum – style columnar to clavate, 0.5-2 mm long, connate below into a column; apical lobes 4-5, 0.3-1 mm long, erect or spreading.
Glochidion tirupathiense – style columnar, ca 2 mm long, connate below into a column; apical lobes ca 0.5 mm long, erect.
Glochidion sphaerogynum – style subglobose or button-like or discoid, fused, 1-1.5 x 2-3 mm.
In the present images we can observe a few fruits with persistent styles which are in a ring, hollow at the middle and very short in length. It is not possible to ascertain whether there was a short column subtending them. In view of these observation and an incomplete picture as to the exact structure and size of the styles, the tentative identification here is Glochidion acuminatum Müll.Arg. var. acuminatum.
This tree was identified as Glochidion sphaeroginum at BSI, Shillong
Sorry !! It may be wrong
BSI Shillong have the expertise and field experience in North East. It is better to follow their identification.
But it has to be backed with resources available online and offline.
I have already explained my observations and tentative identification. Nothing more to say for the present image.
Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 September 2019
Elevation: 1718 m.
Habit : Wild Glochidion velutinum Wight ?? Why is all sites mentioning Phyllanthus velutinus Müll.Arg. as the accepted name and Glochidion velutinum Wight as the synonym??
Attachments (1)- 7 mb.
Attachments (1)- 7 mb. Attachments (1)- 7 mb. Just forget about the websites.
Without tomentose or velutinous parts, you cannot say this is Glochidion velutinum, for which the accepted name is G. heyneanum.
Your present photographs are best identified as Glochidion acuminatum. Please compare distribution and altitude and confirm. Thank you …!
I checked all listed in ANFPoN which gave elevation for Glochidion acuminatum as 910-1100 m.
But the following links gave 1100-1750m
It occurs up to 1800 m. . Glochidion : 2 posts by 2 authors.
Please have a look into the two posts.
I feel some differences such as fruit bunching and leaf colour and texture abaxially.
The photographs only with leaves are narrow. Hence that should be G. acuminatum. However, the fruits may be of G. heyneanum (= G. velutinum} as well. I am unable to judge from these images. The latter does not appear to be reported from Nepal. . MS,Nov ,2021/61 Glochidion multiloculare ? for id.: 2 images. Location : Cherhlun Date : 13-01-2016
Habit : Tree
Habitat : Wild I think yes, Glochidion multiloculare (Rottler ex Willd.) Voigt Now I find that … has raised the issue elsewhere whether this is G. acuminatum. Okay, here the fruits are broken and size of the fruits are not known to us. If these fruits are under 10 mm in diameter and 4-5-chambered, then yes, it is Glochidion acuminatum instead. Keys pl.? |
Glochidion acuminatum
Updated on December 24, 2024