Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 708 1928. (syn. Glycosmis nitida Wight & Arn.; Glycosmis rupestris Ridl.; Glycosmis triphylla Wight; (=) Glycosmis pentaphylla auct. pl.; (≡) Limonia mauritiana Lam. (basionym); (=) Limonia pentaphylla auct.); . Indian Subcontinent to Hainan and W. Malesia: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Hainan, India, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Nicobar Is., Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO; . India: Mostly in coastal scrub forests from sea level to 400 m. occasionally also in semievergreen forests up to 900 m. Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Andaman & Nicobar Islands; Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Malesia, Hainan. S.E. Borneo and Mauritius as per BSI Flora of India (var. mauritina; secondary nerve. of leaflets 5 – 8 pair); . Common name: Orangeberry, Ash sheora, Rum Berry, Gin Berry • Kannada: guroda gida, guruvaade, jangama, kumana paanu, maanikya beeja, mankali • Malayalam: Kurumpannal, Panal, Panchi . Keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India; . As per Flora of Peninsular India: Leaves crenate- serrate along the margin; ovary papilose glabrous ….. G.pentaphylla Leaves entire along the margin; ovary pubescent and not papilose … G.mauritiana . Diff. between the two species observed in Mah. as per efi thread: 1 Leaflets with subdentate margin; ovary ovoid, sessile; fruits glandular mammilate ….. G.pentaphylla 1 Leaflets with entire margin; ovary fusiform, stalked; fruits glandular pitted ….. G.mauritiana. . Shola plant for identification 220612MK01: Please help me in identifying this plant found inside a montane evergreen forest. Place: Valparai Date: 19 06 2012 Alt: c. 950 m ASL The fruits measure 2-3cm across and the plant height is about one metre. Kindly check it with Glycosmis sp. Glycosmis pentaphylla I think this is Glycosmis mauritiana as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India and BSI flora of India Unknown fruiting Shrub Chennai outskirts GE04102014-2 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 3 images. small Unarmed shrub about 4 feet; with quite woody stem so may have been cut down; Leaflets are entire , stiffly leathery in an alternate arrangement…. not sure if its a compound leaf. Veins pinnate obscure Bunch of 5 or 6 fruits in the main axil, each Fruit is less than 1 cm long, globose with a small point on end. Fruiting in August. Please help ID this …. Thanks This shrub is Glycosmis mauritiana of Rutaceae. ‘கொஞ்சி’ in Tamil Thanks for the id. As discussed in earlier the species pentaphylla and mauritiana are very close. I saw only the fruiting plant, based only on sizes of leaf and fruit, it seems mauritiana is the species. yes it is Glycosmis mauritiana
Photographs taken in Chennai recently. Do the leaves have lemon smell ? Wild plant in waste lands. I think this may be Glycosmis mauritiana as per images, references and details herein. I shall be thankful if you could kindly pinpoint the key differences between G.pentaphylla and G.mauritiana. Pl. check references at Glycosmis mauritiana and Glycosmis pentaphylla Thanks … Some how the differentiation is difficult. Yes it’s Glycosmis mauritania. 190717BHAR3 : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) Found in Vandalur -Perungalathur Mountain forest Taken in Chennai Tamil Nadu. Its a reserved forest. Feel it could be Glycosmis pentaphylla. Of course, Glycosmis…..but not pentaphylla. May be: Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka Glycosmis mauritiana from Rutaceae; fruits are edible. Looks like Glycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka [Rutaceae]; please see K N Nair & M P Nayar in P K Hajra et al., Flora of India 4: 340-343.1997]. .
Glycosmis pilosa V.Naray. ?? Location: Madras Christian College campus, Chennai Flowering : Last week (2.4.23) Elevation: Coastal area : Around 6 to 10 meters . Then it could be Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) Corrêa 1 It is Glycosmis mauritiana (as per keys herein): . 131224PKD4: Regarding identification of the species collected from Khurda Odisha on December 24: 5 high res. images. Reposting again as clubbed in the same thread due to exactly the same subject. Requesting … to pl. post with slightly different subjects in the mail. Glycosmis mauritiana ! , References: |
Glycosmis mauritiana
Updated on February 1, 2025