Glycosmis pilosa

Glycosmis pilosa V.Naray., Rec. Bot. Surv. India 14(2): 36 1941. ;
S. India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands as per POWO;


Flora of Andaman24-080111-PKA1:
Shrub found in Wild near Sea shore at Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar. Fruits were Greenish, globose (6 to 8mm). Flowers were very small, creamish white.
Date/Time: 21-12-2010 / 07:00AM
Location: At the out skirts of Port Blair (near Sea Shore), Andaman & Nicobar
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Shrub (3 m approx)
Flowers were Fragrant.

Isn’t this some Citrus…a lemon or lime sp?

Rutaceae or lime family generally have compound leaves very rarely simple!!

Is it a species of Salacia ???

Can be Salacia chinensis this plant is found in Andaman

Most probably this is Pamburus missionis syn. Atlantia missionis.

it looks like Glycosmis species most probably
Glycosmis pentaphylla
i also observed this plant in Bihar (North (champaran) and south(Gaya))

Most probably Glycosmis sp. of Rutaceae family, as … suggested.

Most probably Pamburus missionis syn. Atlantia missionis. To rule out A.monophylla the photographs of the foliage clearly depicting the structure and arrangement are needed. The nature of fruits and leaves do not tally with the characters of Glycosmis pentaphylla. Both these plants are available in Gunidy National Park, Chennai.

Please tell me whether the leaves are simple/1-foliolate or tri-foliolate. I assumed this could be Glycosmis because I felt the leaves are 3-foliolate.
In Pamburus/ Atlantia the leaves are 1-foliolate (Gamble-page158).

I agree with … id — Glycosmis.
It is not Salacia, nor Citrus, and not Pamburus for sure.

This seems to be Glycosmis pilosa

bush with white flowers for id mm1 23 03 2013 :  5 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
bush with small white flowers for id
growing in a degraded forest near the ocean’s edge
flowers were about 6 to 8mm
large glossy leaves and small green fruits
havelock island, andamans
last week of december

Seems to be Glycosmis pilosa

Thank you for an id. I am attaching an earlier discussion from efloraofindia where you have identified … plant as Glycosmis pilosa. pilosa/indiantreepix/OhH0J


POWO  BSI Flora of India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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