Gnidia glauca

Common name: Fish Poison Bush, Balsam tree • Marathi: रामेठा Rameta • Tamil: Nacchinar • Malayalam: Nanju • Kannada: ಮುಕುತೆ Mukuthe, ರಾಮಿ Rami, ಮುಕುಡಕ Mukudaka, ಏಣುಜಾರಿಗೆ Enujaarige, ಏನುಜಾರಿಗ Enujaarige
A local informed us that the leaves caused swelling that was not painful and is commonly used by people to swell up the udder of the cattle that are up for sale.
The plant is a shrub of about 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are about 7-10 cms in length and about 2-3 cms in breadth, dark green above and pale below, coriaceous. Calyx and corolla are thickly covered with white hair.

ID for plant seen at Panchgani:
This plant was seen commonly all over Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani. A local
informed us that the leaves caused swelling that was not painful and is commonly used by people to swell up the udder of the cattle that are up for sale.
   The plant is a shrub of about 1.5 meters in height. The leaves are about 7-10 cms in length and about 2-3 cms in breadth, dark green above and pale below, coriaceous. Calyx and corolla are thickly covered with white hair.
   Sorry for a real bad taxonomic description. Please help with the identification

– Yes Gnidia glauca as far as I remember its used for making fish poison

– This is locally known as rametha or Datpadi.


for id:

– Gnidia glauca Synonym: Lasiosiphon glaucus


Sinhghad flora #2 | IDReq 08Mar2011AR01:
Shrub, Flower size:1-2cms, Height 2-3meters, Leaf-15cms approx Forest hillsSinhghad, Pune 05 feb 2011 

– This looks like Rametha [Gnidia glauca – the Fish Poison Bush] to me.

For Id 161011 NS1:
Photographed in d wild at Dajjipur WLS in May2010.
And I have only one pic of this flower. Plz identify ( if it can be, from only this pic ).
Is it Fish Poison Bush ?

Gnidia glauca Syn. Lasiosiphon glaucus
Family Thymelaeaceae


KAS Week::(Gnidia glauca-03/10/2012-NJ):
Gnidia glauca (Fish Poison BushRametta– Marathi)


Gnidia glauca__ sharing my picture:
Sharing pic of Fish Poison Bush.

Gnidia glauca:
Gnidia glauca
Local Marathi name: Rametha, Datpadi
At Lonavala, Maharashtra


Very nice pictures. This was also abundant in Mahabaleshwar near most points.



Gnidia glauca:
Sharing few photographs of “Rameta“.
Bot. name: Gnidia glauca
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Date/Time: 12-01-2013 / 08:20AM
Location: Dhakoba (Darya Ghat), Maharashtra.
Habitat: Wild
Plant habit: Large Shrub.

Nice photos. It has three varieties var glauca, var insularis and var sisparensis



gnida glavca : 4 images.  2 posts by 2 authors.
gnida glauca, mahabaleshwar, first week of march
growing commonly in open sunny areas
small bushy tree, with large bunches of flowers enveloping the plant

Yes Gnidia glauca of Thymeliaceae, previously known as Lasiosiphon eriocephalus

ANDEC92 Gnidia glauca : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7).
Agumbe, Karnataka
26th December 2014

Yes Common in Western ghats of Maharashtra too.

Yes sir. On this trip, I accompanied … He too was surprised that I got excited when I saw this short tree flowering. He told me that it is quite commonly found in the regions he has explored in Maharashtra.


Suitability of trees near water bodies. : 5 posts by 4 authors.
Is Gnidia glauca suitable to be grown near water bodies and flowing streams?

As far as I know it is not a typical riparian element. It is usually found along slopes and forest borders. But it is not wrong planting few plants in the vicinity of water bodies I guess.

if i remember correctly it also called fish poison plant

please research it well before planting near water bodies


TSPNOV2015-72-115: Images of Gnidia glauca (Thymelaeaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to share few images of Gnidia glauca (Thymelaeaceae


Habit: Medium to large shrub.

Habitat: Wild, on grassy slopes.

Sighting: Mullaianagiri and Bababudangiri, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1500 msl

Date: 30-11-2014, 16-12-2014, 09-02-2015 and 11-02-2015

The images are certainly helping in enrichment of knowledge for the Flora of Karnataka.

Talegaon Dabhade Pune
Dec 2015
Requesting to Id this wild tall shrub with yellow flowers is this some Cestrum species?

This is रामेठा rameta, … Gnidia glauca of Thymeleaceae (sometimes written Thymelaeaceae).

Yes Gnidia glauca

Thank you for the Id. I had never seen this plant before

panchgani, mahabaleshwar, maharashtra: 10th Jan 2009; near Pune in Tamhini- Feb.’09?; at Tapola, near Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra- 22nd December 2009; near the Ratangad fort- Dec’09?; at Khandala in September, 2009; Amboli, Maharashtra; 


Mahabaleshwar, MH :: Gnidia glauca :: ARK2020-072 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Gnidia glauca
Seen near Lodwick point in Mahabaleshwar, MH in March 2020.



POWO (Lasiosiphon glaucus Fres.) Catalogue of Life  Flora of Peninsular India
Updated on December 24, 2024

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