Gnidia glauca var. sisparensis

Gnidia glauca var. sisparensis (Gardner) Kumari, Fl. Tamil Nadu 2: 214 1987. (syn: Gnidia sisparensis Gardner; Lasiosiphon eriocephalus var. sisparensis (Gardner) Gamble; Lasiosiphon sisparensis (Gardner) Meisn.);

Fwd: Rediscovery of a rare tree : 1 post by 1 author.
Scientists have rediscovered a rare tree, turning the spotlight on the rich, unexplored biodiversity of the Western Ghats.
The rare tree was rediscovered from the Muthikulam High Value Biodiversity Area by a team of scientists from the Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR), Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal, and the Kerala Forest Research Institute, Thrissur.
The tree Gnidia glauca var. sisparensi, was rediscovered after a gap of 148 years by a team led by K.M. Prabhukumar, CMPR, and V.B. Sreekumar, KFRI. Known as Nanju in Malayalam, the common variety of the genus Gnidia glauca var. glauca is considered a powerful vesicant (producing severe blisters) and hence used as fish poison. The stem, leaf and flowers also possess anti-diabetic properties.
The tree is found only in upper grassland areas above 2,000 m. It produces yellow flowers from September to December.
The team could observe only three plants of the tree during field studies. This, according to Mr. Prabhukumar, makes it eligible to be classified as a critically endangered species. The finding has been published in the Webbia Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography.

Interesting discovery : 5 posts by 5 authors.
Please go through the linkResearchers unravel more of Western Ghats diversity

Congrats … for another achievement.


Paper published: PDF : 4 posts by 3 authors.
Pls find the PDF copy of article published in the current issue of Webbia. Website:

Congrats … for another achievement.

Great exploration work, fine re-discovery. Pics are very good, supporting text. Congratulations …



The Plant List Ver.1.1  India Biodiversity Portal  On the identity and occurrence of Gnidia glauca (Fresen.) Gilg var. sisparensis (Gardner) Kumari (Thymelaeaceae) in India  (Abstract- Gnidia glauca var. sisparensis (Thymelaeaceae) is a very rare and little-known plant, endemic to the southern part of the Western Ghats. It has been rediscovered after a lapse of 148 years from the Elival hills of the Muthikulam High Value Biodiversity Area, in the Western Ghats of Kerala. Detailed descriptions with colour photographs are provided along with a key to the Indian varieties of Gnidia glauca for the first time. The paper also discusses previous records regarding the occurrence of the taxon in the Western Ghats of India.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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