Gnomophalium pulvinatum

Gnomophalium pulvinatum (Del.) Greuter, Willdenowia 33: 242 (2003) (syn:Evax indica Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Filago prostrata DC.; Gnaphalium crispatulum Delile; Gnaphalium depressum Roxb.; Gnaphalium prostratum Roxb.; Gnaphalium pulverulentum Bové ex DC.; Gnaphalium pulvinatum Delile; Homognaphalium crispatulum (Delile) Kirp.; Homognaphalium pulvinatum (Delile) Fayed & Zareh);
Egypt to Arabian Peninsula, Indian Subcontinent to SE. Tibet: Assam, Egypt, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sinai, Sudan, Tibet as per POWO;

Prostrate herbs, branches woolly. Leaves 3-4 x 0.6 cm, oblanceolate, apex acute, base narrowed into a petiole. Heads 3 x 3 mm, globose, in terminal leafy branched spikes; peduncle short or absent; bracts 2.5 x 0.5 mm, oblanceolate, acute, cottony hairy; outer bracts brown; inner bracts hyaline. Bisexual flowers 9-10, central; corolla 1.5 mm long, reddish. Female flowers numerous; corolla 1.5 mm long, lobes glandular. Achenes terete, brown.
Flowering and fruiting: December-April
Marshy areas

(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi as per India Biodiversity Portal)

SK1195 12 JUNE 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 800 kb each.
Location: Sandakphu, India
Date: 13 May 2018
Altitude: 12000 ft.
Habit : Wild
Some Saussurea sp. ??

I do not think so.

Could not find a match at Gnaphalieae

Haven’t encountered this spp but wild guess: besides Saussurea it may be Asteraceae or Primulaceae member

No idea again, Sir. Any Crassulaceae member?

Does not look like Crassulaceae. I am guessing some Sassurea sp. or May be Anaphilis ??

ok Sir, I’ll try asteraceae to find any similarities.

You are great Sir!  At least some similarities can be found in a page claims to be stages of Anaphalis margaritacea –

What is your opinion about the attached entry in “Flora of British India? There is a document on this species available online, but i do not have access of that one.
Attachments (1)

Is the attachment from FoBI related to above post ?

Thanks, … Looks different from Gnaphalium flaccidum Kurz ex C.B.Clarke as per specimens at GBIF as below:

Yes, Sir, it can’t be that!

Anaphalis sp. ??

Can it be some Leontopodium species like Leontopodium monocephalum?

I don’t know, Sir ji, and I am afraid BP has no such asteraceae!

Probability only :-

Gnaphalium pulvinatum of BP & FBI = POWO
GBIF specimen from Egypt , (BUT there are other from India too) –
at (has collection from INDIA too)
KEW site – POWO
Attached here modified pictures, I edited for my exploration venture!!!

I agree with you, …

Thanks for solving another mystery.

Listed in Flora of Pakistan as Homognaphalium pulvinatum (Delile) Fayed & Zareh in Willdenowia

Thanks, Sir ji, these names-synonyms-accepted names are so confusing, it gets very difficult to search and obtain id(s) of complicated families.



References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of peninsular India  India Biodiversity Portal  Kerala plants  Melghat Plant Data Bank

Updated on December 24, 2024