Gomphostemma parviflorum

Gomphostemma parviflorum Wall. ex Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 12 1830. (syn: Gomphostemma dichotomum Zoll. & Moritzi; Gomphostemma multiflorum Benth.; Gomphostemma parviflorum var. parviflorum; Gomphostemma parviflorum var. farinosum Mukerjee, nom. illeg.; Gomphostemma parviflorum var. farinosum Prain; Gomphostemma salarkhanianum Khanam & M.A.Hassan);
Nepal to China (Yunnan) and Pen. Malaysia, C. Jawa as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Jawa; Malaya; Myanmar; Nepal; Thailand; Vietnam as per Catalogue of life;

MS Feb.,2016/02 Shrub for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Lungkulh, Mizoram
Date : 20/01/2016
Habit : small shrub
Habitat : Wild

It is Gomphostemma species. A lamiaceae member.

Gomphostemma species so far in efi 

It may be gomphostemma parviflorum of lamiaceae  

IDENTITY : 60 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Attaching three images of a small plant which is in bloom at present. The flowers yellow in colour (shape like leucas). Leaves are serrated..

Lamiaceae member,

Gompostemma parviflorum,

May I request you to pl. post original image of 2nd or 3rd image, to see more details for confirmation.

Sure, will do that.

Attaching four images of the plant as desired by you.

Attachments (4)

Thanks, …. But I want high resolution images of 2nd or 4th image.

These are the only images I am having. Flowering time is over.

We will have to wait for next season …

Do you resize all your original images and keep them without keeping the original high resolution images ?

I resize them when I upload images. Attaching images in original.

Attachments (1) – 6 mb.

Attachments (1) – 6 mb.

Attachments (1) – 6 mb.

Two species found in India are very close as per keys in Flora of China:
8 (7) Bracts 1- or 3-veined; calyx teeth linear to triangular-lanceolate   3 Gomphostemma parviflorum
+ Bracts inconspicuously 1- or 3-veined; calyx teeth linear   5 Gomphostemma crinitum
Going through different sources and FOC illustration, I agree with … id.

Thank you … I went with …

Gomphostemma niveum: 2 high res. images
Gomphostemma niveum

Behali Reserve Forest, Biswanath, Assam, India

I think it looks different from GBIF specimens of this species.

It is Gomphostemma parviflorum Wall. ex Benth. as per images herein and as per GBIF specimens from India– one and two.

I guess you are right

Updated on December 24, 2024

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