Gomphrena serrata L., Sp. Pl. 224 1753. (syn. Achyranthes ternata Host ex Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall.; Amaranthoides decumbens (Jacq.) M.Gómez; Celosia decumbens Moq.; Celosia procumbens Moq.; Celosia prostrata Moq.; Gomphrena alba Peter; Gomphrena argentea Moq.; Gomphrena bicolor Moq.; Gomphrena celosioides C. F. P. Mart.; Gomphrena celosioides f. roseiflora (Chodat) Pedersen; Gomphrena celosioides f. villosa Süsseng.; Gomphrena decumbens Jacq.; Gomphrena decumbens var. albiflora (Chodat & Hassl.) Stuchlik; Gomphrena decumbens f. albiflora Chodat & Hassl.; Gomphrena decumbens var. carinata Suess.; Gomphrena decumbens var. grandifolia Stuchlík; Gomphrena diffusa Pav. ex Moq.; Gomphrena dispersa Standl.; Gomphrena flava Pav. ex Moq.; Gomphrena ixiamensis Rusby; Gomphrena lutea Rusby; Gomphrena perennis subsp. pseudodecumbens Stuchlík; Gomphrena perennis f. ramosissima Stuchlík; Gomphrena perennis f. simplex Stuchlík; Gomphrena prostrata Desf.; Gomphrena serrata Pav. ex Moq.; Gomphrena trispicata Pav. ex Moq.; Gomphrena tumida Seidl ex Opiz; Xeraea celosioides (Mart.) Kuntze; Xeraea decumbens (Jacq.) Kuntze; Xeraea serrata Kuntze); Name of Species: Gomphrena serrata …, this photograph appears similar to G. celosioides I had uploaded few days ago. It features in both Efloras: Pakistan & China. In Pakistan Eflora Gomphrena decumbens sensu Gamble as synonym of G. celosioides. Further Flowers of Sahyadri mentions Gomphrena serrata. I think there is some confusion between the two species, them being too close. Flora of North America mentions Gomphrena serrata, with Gomphrena decumbens as a synonym: efloraindia: 170911 BRS 26: Pl. find the attcahed file contain photos for id.
Date/Time-Location- 15.09.2011, Codisia Road 5 PM
Place, Altitude, GPS- Coimbatore (Near Air Port) Habitat- Urban Plant Habit- Shrub/- Height of the plant 1-1.5 ft. it is so pretty looks as if made of sponge This is Gomphrena serrata, a common weed. Gomphrena serrata L.
gom-FREE-nuh — from the Latin gomphaena, ancient classical name for an amaranth … Dave’s Botanary
sair-AY-tuh or ser-RAT-uh — toothed like a saw … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: coastal globe amaranth, prostrate globe amaranth, prostrate gomphrena Native of: s-c & s-e USA, Mesoamerica, Caribbean Islands; naturalized elsewhere References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • eFlora • Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikarat Panchagani on 24 AUG 10 Nice pics…this plant has close resemblance with G. celosoides.. Yes … an earlier post Gomphrena serrata from …, where … has pointed an interesting link to Flora Zambesiaca in Kew Databases with notes on some unresolved mix-up between Gomphrena serrata and Gomphrena celosioides. The conclusion after I quickly read the links seems to go towards G. serrata, the species G. celosoides can be a case of misidentification.. my post should accurately have been G. serrata.. I don’t think our plant from Delhi and Haryana is G. serrata. The inflorescence elongates sufficiently (usually more than 3 cm) to leave lower part of inflorescence naked, not found in G. serrata where it does not elongate more than 2.5 cm, also leaves are clearly acute in G. serrata, nearly obtuse in G. celosioides. They are described in detail in Flora of Taiwan
your posted plant must be G. celosioides as per your ID. Thanks for pic 2 and esp 3 , now when we see these in grass, wont just trample and move on, we will stop and look and may be even if carrying a camera photograph it.. groundcover for identification – Tiloniya Rajasthan 14122013-NAW2 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Kindly identify this minute prostrate groundcover plant with yellow flowers.
Longest leaves about 25mm long. Gomphrena serrata L. (Amaranthaceae) . Flora of Panipat: Gomphrena serrata from PIET Campus samalkha panipat: Gomphrena celosioides, I hope Sir Ji Whats the difference between the two species? Does Gomphrena serrata has serrate leaf margin? Gomphrena celosioides similar to G. serrata, but the crests on bracteoles are short, irregularly dentate, and are just below the apex of the bracteoles (cf G. serrata, which has crests on 1/2 to full length of bracteoles). Also the rachis of G. celosioides tends to elongate at maturity (cf G. serrata, in which the rachis does not elongate). ( http://florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/2677) Flora of Haryana 2012: Gomphrena celosoides: Gomphrena celosoides Mart., Beitr. Amart. 93, 1825.
Perennial, decumbent herbs. Leaves opposite, subsessile or shortly-petioled, lanceolate-oblong or oblanceolate or spatulate, 2-3 x 0.5-0.8 cm, apex acute, base acute-acuminate. Flowers in sessile heads, at first globose, gradually elongating into a wide spike. Perianth lanceolate, 0.3 cm long, white woolly beneath.
. Wild Herb for ID : Sri Lanka : 081112 : AK-3: Gomphrena celosoides….Amaranthaceae… Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week : sk-11 : Gomphrena sp.: If we look at the following image and the details in in the pdf. all photographs uploaded this week (including yours) should belong to G. celosoides only:
Please note plants in G. serrata are darker green, all leaves acute, spike snow-white, not elongating to more than 2.5 cm and very important that crest is very large and dentate (serrate) even in a distant shot.
In G. celosioides plants are whitish-green to yellowish-green, most leaves obtuse at apex, spike dull white and often elongating to as long as 7 cm, crest is much smaller and not distinctly serrate. Thank you very much Sir. It is G. celosioides. You have explained it very beautifully. Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: NS 017: For id from Solan: Gomphrena celosioides Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:.Gomphrena serrata from Coimbatore BRS 006:
Sharing the image of Gomphrena serrata from Coimbatore. See following note:
Gomphrena celosioides similar to G. serrata, but the crests on bracteoles are short, irregularly dentate, and are just below the apex of the bracteoles (cfG. serrata, which has crests on 1/2 to full length of bracteoles). Also the rachis of G. celosioides tends to elongate at maturity (cfG. serrata, in which the rachis does not elongate). (http://florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/2677)
efi thread Chenpodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: NS 001: Gomphrena celosoides: Yes … Very good photographs.
Nice closeups and habitat shot. Some features possibly seen here: Opposite leaves. Anther filaments fused at top. AMARANTHACEAE-CHENOPODIACEAE week DSR..008: Gomphrena celosioides: Yes … Good photograph.
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BS11: Gomphrena celosioides from Panipat Haryana: Yes … Very good photographs Gomphrena celosioidesMart., Beitr. Amarantac. 93. 1825
Syn: Comphrena alba Peter.
Common names: Soft khakiweed; Gomphrena weed
A common weed in wastelands and roadsides, the species is often confused withA. serrata from which, however it differs in plants being whitish-green to yellowish green in colour, leaves leaves oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, usually obtuse at apex, glabrous or sparsely hairy on upper surface; spikes dull-white, , oblong-cylindrical, subsequently elongating up to 8 cm and becoming naked in lower part; bracteoles with a small crest confined to upper 1/3, uppermost margin with inconspicuous teeth (in G. serrata plants are green to dark green; leaf elliptic to oblong-obovate, acute at apex, pubescent on upper surface; spike snow-white, globose, elongating to less than 2.5 cm; bracteoles with large crest extending from middle to tip, uppermost margin with conspicuous teeth
Here are two useful links
http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/95034/ . Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Gomphrena celosioides : Sri Lanka : 100213 : AK-25: Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Gomphrena celosioides : Sri Lanka : 100213 : AK-25: Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this shrub :: 07JUN014 :: ARK-16 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please ID this shrub captured in a field near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014. This seems to be Gomphrena serrata. Is this Gomphrena celosioides, given that the inflorescence seems to be more than 3 cm. long? Differences are described in detail in Flora of Taiwan Based on the discussion in thread and in thread I agree with … Unknown sp. from Assam KD 06 2017 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Attached images are unknown sp. During collection of this sp. … was with me. It was a wonderful experience with him. Please ID the sp.
Date : 25.06.2017 Location: Assam Family : Amaranthaceae (???) Genus & species : ??? Habitat: Grows wild under forest cover Habit : Herb Pl. check comparative images at Amaranthaceae
Something like Gomphrena species or Amaranthus polygonoides L. ? Here are few more pics of the same, though none in flowering.. surely from Amaranthaceae… I hope this is GomphrenacelosioidesMart. please help me to identify this weed.
Gomphrena celosoides
Yes it is gomphrena celosioides
रुद्राक्षी Yes. It is.
ID for plant 4 – efloraofindia | Google Groups 1. Req. for ID 01.07.2012: Request for ID IT is Gomphrena decumbens Could be a species of Alternanthera of Amaranthaceae family. It is Gomphrena serrata of Amaranthaceae. Its popular name G. decumbens is now a synonym. A chance for Gomphrena celosioides Mart. ??? Isn’t G. celosioides a synonym to G. serrata? I think there is some level of confusion in this nomenclature. Gomphrena globosa as well as Alternathera were studied critically by Prof.CR Babu in 68-70.the mss used by Miss Das? for her Doctoral thesis. Gomphrena is known as Bogota Flower (Telugu Bogoda Banthi puvvulu, like Chili kada Dumpalu for Sweet potato from Chile) these were first introduced at Samalkota where Roxburgh and Koenig made beginnings of botany in colonial India. There was no single Univesity in America then. Both myself and Babu used to walk from Andul Rd and we found all species including A.philoxerodes which soldin bazar as vgetable and Cinchona ledgeriana just near pinetum …… Based uon the literature cited by Sasidharan (2006), FLOWERING PLANTS OF KERALA, 3 species were present in Kerala. 1. Gomphrena celosioides Mart., Beitr. Amarantac. 93. 1825
Syn: Gomphrena decumbens sensu Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1179(825). 1925, non Jacq. 1805.
2. Gomphrena globosa L., Sp. Pl. 224. 1753; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 1179(825). 1925
3. Gomphrena serrata L., Sp. Pl. 224. 1753
Syn: Gomphrena decumbens Jacq., Hort. Schoenbr. t. 482. 1805.
serrata and celosioides are treated as valid names.
Now it is making some confusion in nomenclature. Amaranthaceae for ID : Bangalore : 30SEP20 : AK-28 : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Looks Alternanthera sp. but unable to decide due to leaf pattern. Appears like Gomphrena celosioides. I guess you are right … Id by … is correct. It is a common weed in Bangalore and Mysore. Also found near a wasteland nearby my house. Can we consider Gomphrena serrata? Appears close to Gomphrena serrata L. Gomphrena celosioides Mart. (syn. of Gomphrena serrata L. as per Catalogue of Life) Gomphrena celosioides and Gomphrena serrata are shown as two different Species in Flowersofindia.
That was the reason for my confusion. After going through the details and references at efloraofindia page, I would like to go with Catalogue of Life. Thanks … I take it as Gomphrena serrata, Syn Gomphrena celosioides. Yes. Amaranthaceae for ID : Mahabaleshwar : 10OCT20 : AK-15 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Gomphrena sp. ?? Gomphrena serrata? Thanks … Probably Gomphrena serrata Thanks, …, for the id.
. Limited image! Gomphrena celosioides ??
Yes it’s … . Gomphrena serrata ??
Thanks … Looks correct to me. . Flower for Id- ID30092021SH2: 1 image. Flower for Id pl.
Location – Kaas Plateau, Maharashtra. Date – September 2021 Gomphrena serrata L. Yes . Flora of Panipat: Gomphrena serrata from PIET Campus samalkha panipat: Gomphrena celosioides, I hope Sir Ji Whats the difference between the two species? Does Gomphrena serrata has serrate leaf margin? Gomphrena celosioides similar to G. serrata, but the crests on bracteoles are short, irregularly dentate, and are just below the apex of the bracteoles (cf G. serrata, which has crests on 1/2 to full length of bracteoles). Also the rachis of G. celosioides tends to elongate at maturity (cf G. serrata, in which the rachis does not elongate). ( http://florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/2677)
Flora of Haryana 2012: Gomphrena celosoides: Gomphrena celosoides Mart., Beitr. Amart. 93, 1825.
Perennial, decumbent herbs. Leaves opposite, subsessile or shortly-petioled, lanceolate-oblong or oblanceolate or spatulate, 2-3 x 0.5-0.8 cm, apex acute, base acute-acuminate. Flowers in sessile heads, at first globose, gradually elongating into a wide spike. Perianth lanceolate, 0.3 cm long, white woolly beneath.
. Wild Herb for ID : Sri Lanka : 081112 : AK-3: A small, wild herb seen in Sri Lanka on 16/11/2010. Looks like Alternanthera species. Id please. Gomphrena celosoides….Amaranthaceae…
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week : sk-11 : Gomphrena sp.: If we look at the following image and the details in in the pdf. all photographs uploaded this week (including yours) should belong to G. celosoides only:
Please note plants in G. serrata are darker green, all leaves acute, spike snow-white, not elongating to more than 2.5 cm and very important that crest is very large and dentate (serrate) even in a distant shot.
In G. celosioides plants are whitish-green to yellowish-green, most leaves obtuse at apex, spike dull white and often elongating to as long as 7 cm, crest is much smaller and not distinctly serrate. Thank you very much Sir. It is G. celosioides. You have explained it very beautifully. I am not sure if there is any photo G. serrata in efI database.
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: NS 017: For id from Solan: Gomphrena celosioides
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week:.Gomphrena serrata from Coimbatore BRS 006: Sharing the image of Gomphrena serrata from Coimbatore.
See following note:
Gomphrena celosioides similar to G. serrata, but the crests on bracteoles are short, irregularly dentate, and are just below the apex of the bracteoles (cf G. serrata, which has crests on 1/2 to full length of bracteoles). Also the rachis of G. celosioides tends to elongate at maturity (cf G. serrata, in which the rachis does not elongate). (http://florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/browse/profile/2677)
Chenpodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: NS 001: Gomphrena celosoides: Yes … Very good photographs.
Nice closeups and habitat shot. Some features possibly seen here: Opposite leaves. Anther filaments fused at top.
AMARANTHACEAE-CHENOPODIACEAE week DSR..008: Gomphrena celosioides: Gomphrena celosioides Mart. (Amaranthaceae) is a widespread weed in Pantnagar. Yes … Good photograph.
Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week: BS11: Gomphrena celosioides from Panipat Haryana: Gomphrena celosioides from Panipat Haryana Yes … Very good photographs Gomphrena celosioides Mart., Beitr. Amarantac. 93. 1825
Syn: Comphrena alba Peter.
Common names: Soft khakiweed; Gomphrena weed
A common weed in wastelands and roadsides, the species is often confused with A. serrata from which, however it differs in plants being whitish-green to yellowish green in colour, leaves leaves oblong to oblong-oblanceolate, usually obtuse at apex, glabrous or sparsely hairy on upper surface; spikes dull-white, , oblong-cylindrical, subsequently elongating up to 8 cm and becoming naked in lower part; bracteoles with a small crest confined to upper 1/3, uppermost margin with inconspicuous teeth (in G. serrata plants are green to dark green; leaf elliptic to oblong-obovate, acute at apex, pubescent on upper surface; spike snow-white, globose, elongating to less than 2.5 cm; bracteoles with large crest extending from middle to tip, uppermost margin with conspicuous teeth
Here are two useful links
http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/95034/ . Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Gomphrena celosioides : Sri Lanka : 100213 : AK-25: Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae Week :: Gomphrena celosioides : Sri Lanka : 100213 : AK-25: Konkan, May 2014 :: Requesting ID of this shrub :: 07JUN014 :: ARK-16 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
Requesting to please ID this shrub captured in a field near Devgad, Maharashtra in May 2014. This seems to be Gomphrena serrata. Is this Gomphrena celosioides, given that the inflorescence seems to be more than 3 cm. long? Differences are described in detail in Flora of Taiwan Based on the discussion in thread and in thread I agree with … Unknown sp. from Assam KD 06 2017 : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Attached images are unknown sp. During collection of this sp. … was with me. It was a wonderful experience with him. Please ID the sp.
Date : 25.06.2017 Location: Assam Family : Amaranthaceae (???) Genus & species : ??? Habitat: Grows wild under forest cover Habit : Herb Pl. check comparative images at Amaranthaceae
Something like Gomphrena species or Amaranthus polygonoides L. ? Here are few more pics of the same, though none in flowering.. surely from Amaranthaceae… I hope this is Gomphrena celosioides Mart. please help me to identify this weed.
Gomphrena celosoides
Yes it is gomphrena celosioides
रुद्राक्षी Yes. It is.
ID for plant 4 – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Amaranthaceae: Gomphrena celosioides Mart.: 1 image.
location/date: University of Agricultural Sciences campus, Bangalore, July 1997 . Amaranthaceae: Gomphrena celosioides: 1 high res. image.
Gomphrena celosioides collected from Andhra university campus on 03/11/24 .
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Gomphrena serrata
Updated on December 24, 2024