Pouzolzia pentandra

P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. ssp. pentandra (Himachal, UP, Bihar, Punjab, Jammu, Nepal, Sikkim, UP, Uttranchal, Assam, Bihar, MP, Maharashtra, AP, Karnataka ) 

     Ssp. wightii (Benn. & R. Br.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear var. wightii (Orissa, TN, Karnataka, Kerala, AP, Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka) Syn: P. caudata Benn.; P. scabra Wight

    Ssp. wightii var. gracilis (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot-Dear (Kerala, Tamil Nadu , Karnataka) Syn: P. aspera Wight; P. meeboldii Smith (as per  Let us identify our Pouzolzia species); 
Keys of Indian Taxa available at Pouzolzia   




Flora of panipat- a small herb for id-15072011-01: pls id this small about 1 ft to 1.5 ft high erect herb. Photo taken 20 Sept 2010 from Lohari Panipat this was on the bank of a small water Channel/canal

Can we have better view of habit and lower leaves. To me it looks like some species of Rotala.



Sir i could find these three pics only

It may be a species of Pouzolzia (Urticaceae)

A second thought, since the flowers are stalked chances of this being Pouzolzia may be ruled out. But the leaves very much resembles that of Pouzolzia

Any chance of Pouzolzia pentandra (Roxb.) Benn.?

Kindly see the description from Eflora of Pakistan

I am in deep dilemma as I could learn that there can be stalked flowers in Pouzolzia, especially male flowers.
Hence, again, I feel the pictures are of a species of Pouzolzia only.

This is Pouzolzia. Leaves are alternate. Only Rotala floribunda has alternate leaves.

This Plant as suggested by … should be Poulzolzia pentandra. Upper highly reduced, alternate bract-like leaves are quite distinctive for this species.

Yes I too think that … got it right.

kaas week : unknown: location : kaas

date : 30 / 09 / 2010

This is

Pouzolzia bennettiana Wight of Urticaceae. Was this found on rocky plateau of Kas?

yes … i found this on kaas in 2010 but now it is vanished. 

I think it should be P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. as per keys & comparative images at Pouzolzia
With lower leaves, we can decide the subspecies.




ANSEPT49 Pouzolzia sp. for id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3).

Chikamagalur-Kemmangudi Road
14th September 2014

This is very tricky to me…. perhaps what we see in these pictures are spicate apex of the shoot of a Pouzolzia, where leaves become bactiform (vide Haines). In that case, to my understanding, it should be Gonostegia pentandra (Roxb.) Miq.

Please note as per Haines in P. hirta Hassk. doesn’t run bracteate spike.
And it is quite possible that I am wrong.

efi page on Pouzolzia pentandra

I have never seen such a Pouzolzia or Gonostegia. My guess was wild. FoC says P. zeylanica bracts are triangular, but that plant is unknown to me.

I request … to wait for experts’ views, meanwhile browsing some herbaria –
I think it should be P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. as per keys & comparative images at Pouzolzia
With lower leaves, we can decide the subspecies.



Fwd: For Identification : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Please help me to Identify this plant. Photo Collected on 12/11/2016

Please check for Pouzolzia pentandra (Urticaceae).

Thanks, … I agree with …
Do you have image of the complete plant? if so, pl. post.
Thank you for Identification. I go through Pouzolzia pentandra
my plants are smellier to this plant



TQ-Arunachal-2 Unidentified : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)

A herb/shrub seen in forested area of East Siang distt, Arunachal Pradesh.
Flowering in mid June.
Reminded me of Ammannia.
Any leads on identification will be appreciated.

It is Pouzolzia sp.  

Yes this is Pauzolzia sp. of Urticaceae family
Looks close to Pauzolzia pentandra

Thank you … and …! It looks very similar to Pouzolzia pentandra. I have seen many Pouzolzia species, but none with leaves so narrow.

Gonostegia pentandra (Urticaceae).


Updated on December 24, 2024

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