Gossypium arboreum L., Sp. Pl. 693 1753. (Syn: Gossypium albiflorum Tod.; Gossypium anomalum G.Watt [Illegitimate]; Gossypium arboreum var. cernuum (Tod.) Hutch. & Ghosh; Gossypium arboreum var. wightianum (Tod.) M.R.Almeida; Gossypium asiaticum Raf.; Gossypium bani (G.Watt) Prokh.; Gossypium cernuum Tod.; Gossypium comesii Sprenger; Gossypium figarei Tod.; Gossypium glabratum Tod.; Gossypium gracile Salisb.; Gossypium indicum Lam.; Gossypium intermedium Tod.; Gossypium nanking var. bani G.Watt; Gossypium neglectum Tod.; Gossypium obtusifolium Roxb. ex G.Don; Gossypium obtusifolium var. wightiana G.Watt; Gossypium perennans Delile ex Roberty; Gossypium puniceum Fenzl; Gossypium purpurascens Poir.; Gossypium roseum Tod.; Gossypium roxburghii Tod.; Gossypium royleanum Tod.; Gossypium rubicundum Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Gossypium rubrum Forssk.; Gossypium sanguineum Hazsl.; Gossypium soudanense (G.Watt) G.Watt; Gossypium vaupelii J.Graham; Gossypium wattianum S.Y.Hu; Gossypium wightianum Tod.; Hibiscus albiflorus Kuntze (Unresolved); Hibiscus purpurascens Kuntze (unresolved);
Cultivated in India as per BSI Flora of India;
Shrubby plant up to 2 m tall with purple branches; leaves 5-7 parted with linear to lanceolate lobes; flowers purple or yellow with purple centre; epicalyx segments large, ovate, subentire or toothed; capsule up to 2.5 cm across, ovoid or oblong.
Malvaceae Fortnight: Gossypium arboreum from Delhi-GSJULY24/24 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Gossypium arboreum Linn., Sp. Pl. 693. 1753 Local names: kapas, rui, tula Shrubby plant up to 2 m tall with purple branches; leaves 5-7 parted with linear to lanceolate lobes; flowers purple or yellow with purple centre; epicalyx segments large, ovate, subentire or toothed; capsule up to 2.5 cm across, ovoid or oblong.
Common old world species.
Photographed from Delhi University Botanical Garden in August, 2009 . Malvaceae Week: Gossypium arboreum from Delhi: Gossypium arboreum Linn., Sp. Pl. 693. 1753
Local names: kapas, rui, tula
Shrubby plant up to 2 m tall with purple branches; leaves 5-7 parted with linear to lanceolate lobes; flowers purple or yellow with purple centre; epicalyx segments large, ovate, subentire or toothed; capsule up to 2.5 cm across, ovoid or oblong.
Common old world species.
Photographed from Delhi University Botanical Garden in August, 2009
Now i could understand the diff between Arboreum and hirsutam
Thane, Mar 2015 :: Requesting ID of this ornamental :: ARKAPR-09/09 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Please ID this climber found in a garden in Thane near Mumbai in Mar 2015. Gossypium arboreum beautiful
next time you go may be the cotton wisps would be flying around if you do go follow up would be appreciated
Gossypium from Jaipur: (mixed thread) gossypium arboreum This is rightly Gossypium arborUm
Place : Jodhpur, Rajasthan
Date : 24.11.10 Habitat : Cultivated Nice catch of “COTTON BALL” Gossypium herbaceum i think Fwd: Gossypium : 4 posts by 1 author. 4 images- 3 mb each.
This is from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
Kindly confirm and oblige
Is it ornamental plant ?
Thank you very much It is ornamental and found in garden/house
It is grown for flower and the small tree survives for many years.
It could be Gossypium arboretum
07012013 BRS 430: Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. this is it appears Abroma angusta Can be a Hibiscus.. but surely not Abroma augusta. Agree with … not abroma for sure Hibiscus, yes but difficult to ID with these images!
I think this is Gossypium arboreum L. as per images and details herein.
. References:
Gossypium arboreum (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024