Gouania napalensis Wall., Fl. Ind. 2: 417 1824.; . Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, India (Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Darjeeling, Bihar, West Bengal, Meghalaya, Assam) as per Catalogue of Life; . Flora of Bhutan gives the following keys: 1. Leaves coarsely crenate; calyx with a few hairs externally; disc lobes triangular; capsules with glabrous remains of calyx …… 1. G. leptostachya + Leaves finely serrate or crenate-serrate; calyx densely appressed pubescent externally; disc lobes linear; capsules with pubescent remains of calyx … 2. G. napalensis . Climbing shrubs, up to 8 m tall; tendrils axillary or supra-axillary; branches glabrous with continuous brown, vertical lines. Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; stipules ca. 4-5 x 0.5-1 mm, lanceolate and caducous, or persistent and becoming a rounded; petioles ca. 1-3.5 cm, glabrous; lamina ca. 5-9 x 2-8.5 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong, cordate at base, acuminate at apex, margin crenate-serrate, glabrous above, grey or brown antrorse hairy on veins beneath; secondary nerves 5-6 pairs. Racemes in clusters with 3-7-flowers; Flowers ca. 5-6 mm across, white; pedicels ca. 2 mm long; bracteoles subulate, pubescent at base, caducous; calyx lobes ca. 0.25 x 0.15 cm, deltoid, thickened at apex, glabrous or sparsely hairy without; petals ca. 0.1-0.2 cm long, spathulate, inserted below the margin of disc; stamens ca. 0.1-0.15 cm long; filaments alternating with subulate appendage of disc; style 3-cleft up to middle; stigma recurved, obtuse. Capsule ca. 0.9-1.3 x 1-1.8 cm in diam., crowned by remnants of persistent calyx tube, 3-winged, dehiscing into 3 subrounded winged mericarps; fruiting pedicel ca. 0.1-0.3 cm, glabrous or sparsely pilose. Flowering & Fruiting: June-November. Particularly in wooded grassland up to 1800 m and also near the costal areas. India: Punjab, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Sikkim, Meghalaya and Assam; and Nepal (Attributions- French Institute of Pondicherry from India Biodiversity Portal) . SK2120 15 August 2019 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)- around 550 kb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal Altitude: 1888 m. Date: 08 August 2019 Habit : Wild I guess this sp. with triangular type fruit from others’ post had been identified by … earlier. Gouania leptostachya, Rhamnaceae, Thank you …! Does not it look more close to Gouania napalensis Wall. ? Flora of Bhutan gives the following keys: 1. Leaves coarsely crenate; calyx with a few hairs externally; disc lobes triangular; capsules with glabrous remains of calyx …… 1. G. leptostachya + Leaves finely serrate or crenate-serrate; calyx densely appressed pubescent externally; disc lobes linear; capsules with pubescent remains of calyx … 2. G. napalensis You can check with these. Flora of Bhutan gives elevation as 150- 1000 m for G.leptostachya and 1200- 2100 m for G.nepalensis. Following the keys, I agree with … for id as G.nepalensis. . Gouania napalensis Wall. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 1.5 mb each. Location: Godawari, Lalitpur, Nepal Altitude: 1655 m. Date: 08 August 2019 Habit : Wild so those little flowers in August 15 are now these fruits? what do they look like when mature and seeds? This is another plant close by the earlier one. I shall try for ripe fruits! . Need id assistance of an angiosprmic climber from Darjeeling : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5) I need id assistance of 5 images belonging to an angiospemic climber with white flowers:- Perhaps a Rhamnaceae member.. I think Ventilago I think Ventilago denticulata Pls also check Gouania sp, (G microcarpa) as calyx is pubescent on the outside. efi page on Gouania microcarpa with images. I think it should be Gouania napalensis Wall. as per images and details herein. . Gouania napalensis Wall.: 3 very high res. images. Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal Date: 23 June 2024 Altitude: 1600m. Habitat : Wild
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Gouania napalensis
Updated on December 24, 2024