Grewia optiva

Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9:692. 1926 (Syn: (=) Grewia oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don);
India: Common in moist deciduous and evergreen forests. Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim; Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan as per BSI Flora of India;
Common name: Bihul • Hindi: Beul, Bhimal, bhiunal, Dhaman, Bihul • Nepali: ghotli, shyalphusro • Sanskrit: dhanvanah, todana;
A very important agroforestry tree in hills. Leaves make good fodder, bark of branches gives a good bast fiber used for ropes and harder inner part of branches makes good fuel wood. Not only this but the sap of bark is used as shampoo.

I saw this tree flowering and fruiting at Dharampur in Solan District Himachal Pradesh. Its details are as follows
Habit: Tree
Leaves: alternate, unequal base, variable in length and breadth
Inflorescence: axillary cyme
Flowers: pentamerous approx 2-2.5 cms across, white
Fruits: Drupe
Please help me with the identification
There might be some mistake in my description as my taxonomy is becoming a bit rusty…….heartfelt apologies if i may have given incorrect description

Most probably a species of Grewia of Malvaceae family (earlier Tiliaceae).

Grewia hirsuta may be!!

I hope Grewia oppositifolia

Grewia serrulata DC. …, we saw this tree on the begining of Kalsi-Biratkhai road on our Chakrata trip.

Yes … But this as well our plant have leaf-opposed inflorescence, not axillary, G. oppositifolia now G. optiva Drumm. is reported from Western Himalayas. I think inflorescence axillary or opposite the leaf is an important character in the genus.
The G. serrulata was placed under G. multiflora in FBI as well as Flora of China, does not seem to be reported from Central and Western Himalayas.
G. hirsuta also has axillary clusters.

From the description, by considering it as a tree always, not small tree or shrub, it appears to be Grewia optiva.


grewia optiva, chandigarh :  Attachments (6). 4 posts by 3 authors.
grewia optiva in the foothills near chandigarh and also in chandigarh
photographed last month (June’13)

A very important agroforestry tree in hills. Leaves make good fodder, bark of branches gives a good bast fiber used for ropes and harder inner part of branches makes good fuel wood. Not only this but the sap of bark is used as shampoo.

many thanks for your appreciation and comments. I knew the tree was used as fodder, in fact I saw a few trees growing in fields, but not about the the other facts.


Malvaceae Fortnight:: Grewia for id from Chakrata: NS July 04/04 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Please suggest if this can be Grewia optiva or otherwise, pictures taken from Chakrata area..

It is G.optiva.


Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 51 :: Grewia sp. from Morni: NS August 36/36 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Please suggest specific id for this Grewia, shot from Morni Hills in Haryana..

Grewia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) 

Thank you for sharing these beautiful images of Grewia, possibly Grewia sclerophylla Roxb.

may be Grewia optiva

efi page on Grewia optiva. No efi page on Grewia sclerophylla Roxb. so far. 

It is Grewia optiva


Grewia for Id from Morni- NS 2011 :  5 images. 4 posts by 2 authors.
This one was a large tree, shot from Morni Hills in 2011.. can this be Grewia optiva Drumm. ex Burret

It is Grewia optiva. locally known as Bauel.

Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret (accepted name) ?? : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Kulekhani, Nepal
Date : 10 August 2013
Altitude : 5000 ft.
Nepali Names : भिमल Bhimal / चिप्ले Chiple / फोर्सा Phorsaa / स्याल फुस्रो Syaal Phusro

efi page on Grewia optiva 

I think appears closer to images at Grewia optiva

Yes G. optiva is an accepted.
I have also not collected the species. NE and E, India collection is still remain. But I have consulted the herbarium specimens, and present images are appears to be G. optiva Drummond ex Burret. Type is from Nepal.

Plant for ID_AS_Tree_20Nov17 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)

Please help ID the following plant.
Location: Datyar (Near Kalka), Solan District, Himalachal Pradesh.
Date: 19 Nov’17.
The tree was ~ 10 feet high.

Grewia optiva
Locally called Beul


13.11.10S.P.3 Pl. identify following plant.
Date: 13.11.2010
place: Pathankote, Punjab

This is a Grewia species (Tiliaceae) for sure. Can be Grewia tenax.

Grewia species. Does not look like G.tenax for me.

May not be G tenax
pls see description
Flowers always borne singly, leaf-opposed; peduncles about 10 mm long, almost glabrous, slender; pedicels similar, up to 10 mm long, the whole giving the appearance of an articulated pedicel; bracts about 1.5 mm long, glabrescent. Sepals greenish, 10-18 mm long, shortly pubescent outside, white and glabrous inside, linear-oblong. Petals white with a linear and often bidentate lamina almost as long as the sepals

I think close to images at Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret



Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 50 :: Grewia for id from Morni: NS August 35/35  : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)
This tree was seen flowering in Morni Hills (Haryana)..
Please suggest specific id for this Grewia ..

Thanks, … for all the beautiful postings & completing a half century of Malvaceae posts.

Grewia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

This is something new, unique and interesting to me! Its combination of many Grewia species, is it possible to know more details about it phenology, leaf texture and fruiting lobe consistency?  If possible then please let me know! Thank you for sharing this with us!!

Appears to be Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret as per threads:
Malvaceae Fortnight- Post 51 :: Grewia sp. from Morni: NS August 36/36
Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret (accepted name) ??

Grewia for ID :: Jammu :: APR2018 MK002 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Please help me in identifying this Grewia shrub or small tree. I saw this in a roadside bush, so no clear photographs.
Habitat: forest edge and roadside
Alt.: 340 m asl
Date: 25.01.2018
Place: Jammu (outskirts, rural), J & K

I feel closer to images at Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret

Tree from Chandigarh for id : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)
Can any one guide me as to what tree this can be. I got these photos forwarded to my whatsapp from chandigarh.
I have no more information regarding this plant.
I am really sorry for this but can anyone help me. it seems to be an interesting plant.

Grewia bracteata Roth ??

Its Grewia only …, Malvaceae member,

Grewia sp.,

Thanks, … for the initial id.
Appears close to Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret as per images and details herein and as per comparative images at Grewia

Yes …, you are pointed correctly as optiva. We prefer Grewia oppositifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC!

Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret : 6 posts by 1 author. 6 images- 6 to 7 mb each.
Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  November 2020 
Elevation: 15500m.
Habitat  : Wild


Grewia optiva: 1 high res. images.
Location: Rajouri j and k

Habit: Tree
Date: 22-05-2021
Habitat: Near Crop field


Grewia optiva from Ukhimath, Uttarakhand-GS30122021-5: 5 very high res. images.
Grewia optiva Drummond ex Burret Syn: G. oppositifolia auct (non DC)
Photographed from Ukhimath, Uttarakhand, 30-5-2013


Grewia optiva J. R. Drumm. ex Burret: 3 very high res. images.

Location: Surkhet, West Nepal
Altitude: 1031 m.
Date: 18 June 2021
Habit : Wild


Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Ranibari, Kathmandu
Date: 21 March 2023
Altitude: 1370m.
Habitat : Wild

Maybe as per
Not sure.

According to the size of tree it may not be any other sp.


SK 3760 23 June 2023: 5 very high res. images.

Location:  Jajarkot, West Nepal 
Date: 30 May 2023
Elevation 800m.
Habit : Wild
Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret ??

Appears to be G. optiva


Grewia optiva J.R.Drumm. ex Burret: 7 high res. images.

Location: Chhedagad, Jajarkot Road, West Nepal 
Date: 30 May 2023
Elevation : 900m.

Habit : Wild


Updated on December 24, 2024

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