Shrub: Could you help me identify the following plant please. A shrub 1-3 m tall, c. 3 cm diameter. Fruit not seen. Growing on low alt., 0-20 m asl. – In Microcos paniculata [Grewia nervosa / Grewia microcos] the venation is much more prominent. Therefore feel that this could be G. serrulata. – You may be correct .., thats what I thought too at first look, but in G. serrulata the petals are more elliptic and cluster of stamens is more. I have seen G.microcos at Sawantwadi. Attaching pictures of G. microcos flower (not too clear) and fruits for comparison. – It is G.serulata indeed have a look of G.microcos leaves Does not seem to match with images at Grewia serrulata DC.
Grewia species
Updated on December 24, 2024