Gunnera tinctoria (Molina) Mirb., Hist. Nat. Pl. ed. 2, 10: 141 1805. (Syn: Gunnera chilensis Lam.; Gunnera chilensis var. meyeri L.E.Moro; Gunnera chilensis var. valdiviensis L.E.Moro; Gunnera scabra Ruiz & Pav. [Illegitimate]; Panke acaulis Molina; Panke caulescens J.F.Gmel.; Panke tinctoria Molina; Pankea chilensis (Lam.) Oerst.);
Though I am far behind I would like to post this unique plant as my 200th post of the month. ———————————————————————————————————————————– CHILEAN RHUBARB Gunnera tinctoria Family Gunneraceae. Native of Chile. This was observed and captured from San Francisco botanical garden in Jun 2011. I was lucky to see this plant in blossom. Description details in one picture itself. And nice collection of massive leaves of Rhubarb!!! not the real rhubarb, eaten raw as fruit: Rheum rhabarbarum I had made Fotos of a plant in Chile in March 2010, but did not know the name. I think mines are CHILEAN RHUBARB too.
Btw. the mayor of Puerto montt was a man called Rabindranath Quinteros Lara. I tried to find out more information about Rabindranath, but found just that he is a surgeon dentist and in 2000 he was elected as the mayor of the region.
Gunnera Species For ID : California : 13NOV14 : AK-28 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Cultivated, garden plant seen in an open park, near an artificial lake.
Pictures taken on 1st Oct,14 in San Francisco.
Height of plant approx 3-4 feet.
Could be Gunnera tinctoria?
There is only one other post on Gunnera, …, also from San Francisco.
CHILEAN RHUBARB Gunnera tinctoria
yes it is CHILEAN RHUBARB Gunnera tinctoria.
sending my fotos in a separate mail. I thought I had sent the fotos already in 2010 after my visit to Chile.
CHILEAN RHUBARB : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11) These fotos I took in 2010 when we visited South America. what a nice set of pictures gunnera sp
do you remember how tall was it and the leaves’ size…
stems prickly ??? they were quite big I remember. Did not have my Husband at hand to put him near a plant. but some were much taller than him and he is 182 cm tall. Me standing under Rhubarb in SFO Botanical garden
Gunnera tinctoria (America)
Updated on December 24, 2024