Gymnema decaisneanum ?


Pls find some more literature on …, Gymnema mohanramii, …
(RECENT REPORTS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND MORPHOLOGY OF AN INDIAN ENDEMIC SPECIES, GYMNEMA MOHANRAMII Karthik. & Moorthy (APOCYANACEAE: ASCLEPIADOIDEA) IN SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS OF KERALA by Satheesh Karakkunnath, Konickal Mambetta Prabhu Kumar, Indira Balachandran and Nadesapanicker Anilkumar- TLS Volume-2 Issue-3 (2013)-
ABSTRACT: To study the present distributional status, biotic association and variation on morphology of Gymnema mohanramii in southern Western Ghats of Kerala, several exploration trips were conducted and live plants successfully conserved at the Herb Garden of Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal for further studies and observations during 2006-2012. From the present study 11 new distributional records for Kerala have been reported. During the studies, an unusual red coloured flower variant of Gymnema mohanramii is collected from Wayanadu districts of Kerala. The recent nomenclature changes of G. mohanramii (syn: G. hirsutum) has also been discussed.)

……, I feel good seeing so much attention our flora and medicinal plants are getting; and all that good work is done by our own scientists.


171 ID wild plant: 15 correct images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 28.07.2021, 01.25pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, hard stem, whitish old stem, hairy/velvety, long lasting
Height: 04 meters
Leaves: opposite, ovate, apex, velvety both sides, size:08×4cm or less
Flower: racemose, clustered, diameter:02mm, yellow, non fragrant
Fruit: globular green, diameter:08mm
Camera: Samsung Galaxy A21s +macro lens

Gymnema sp.,

Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm.

Yes, it is dear …. But the fruit image is different. The fruit image is collected from similar plant (in my view) half km distance and no flowers in it.

Yes, the fruit is cone shaped and latex visible (captured from near Kottappara Hills, Vannappuram P.O., Thodupuzha, Idukki Dt., Kerala at a distance of 10km from my location).  I am happy to share more information and images,
Fruit: cone shaped, green into brown, lengthy 10cm, base diameter:10mm
2 images.

So ID ?

The ID Gymnema sylvestre that suggested by you are correct, dear …  The single leaf and young stem (opposite) images are of the fruit plant’s, and original leaf and stem images are under,
2 images.

There is another closely related species Gymnema decaisneanum (syn: Gymnema hirsutum Wight & Arn.; Gymnema mohanramii Karthik. & Moorthy) to Gymnema sylvestre.

May be experts help in finalising the id.

I am sure it is Gymnema sylvestre, dear …, also says it is Gymnema sylvestre. Please check the Malayalam name in screen shot

Keys are available in Flora of peninsular India.

I do not know if we can decide based on this.
Also attaching a copy of the publication.
Maybe the experts can help.

Thank you very much for providing the link and information, dear … I agreed with the description in the link and the images match with my plant. G. mohanramii is reported from Kerala, and also listed in Ernakulam District, so I think it is Gymnema mohanramii.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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