Gynochthodes ridsdalei Razafim. & B.Bremer (syn: Morinda reticulata Gamble, nom. illeg.); . S. India as per WCSP; . DSCN1711 for Id : this one looks like a young Morinda citrifolia. Likely to be Morinda citrifolia as per comparative images at Morinda I think it may be Gynochthodes ridsdalei Razafim. & B.Bremer (syn. Morinda reticulata Gamble) an endangered species as per high resolution specimens at GBIF: I think it was clicked in Kerala by … I could not find any images on net of this species except some details at .
I think it appears close to Gynochthodes ridsdalei Razafim. & B.Bremer (syn. Morinda reticulata Gamble) an endangered species as per high resolution specimens at GBIF: one, two Very interesting!
Gynochthodes ridsdalei
Updated on December 24, 2024