Habenaria crinifera

Habenaria crinifera Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 323 1835. (Syn: Habenaria schizochilus J.Graham; Synmeria crinifera (Lindl.) Szlach.; Synmeria schizochilus Nimmo);


Habenaria crinifera, Doll Orchid from N. Western Ghats 04092011:
A rare epiphytic & nbsp; orchid found on moss covered stems of old trees in evergreen forests. Plant about 10-20 cm tall, leafy at base; leaves 2-3, oblong, 5-15 cm. Flowers in short racemes 5-8 cm long on peduncles 10-20 cm long. Bracts 1 cm. Capsules 3-4 cm. Possibly the only species of the genus that is epiphytic (at least in NW Ghats), the rest being terrestrial. Flowering presently along with terestrial Habenarias.

Wow, fantastic. Thanks …. for this post of Bahuli Habenaria.

I didnt know that it was epiphytic…..thanks a lot for sharing this beautiful pic. I imagine it look more like a VOODOO DOLL !!!

For Sharing Habenaria crinifera Lindl.:
Here comes the Beauty among the genus Habenaria
Habenaria crinifera Lindl. Commenly known as Doll Orchid
Photograph on Mango tree at Amba on 07/08/2012.

I was wondering how come Habenaria on a tree. Checked earlier threads. Saw one post from …
It says that it is probably the only species from the genus which is epiphytic. All other Habenarias are terrestrials.


Habenaria crinifera:
Sharing beautiful Doll orchidHabenaria crinifera

i love this orchid so much
it was high up on the tree and almost out of reach of camera so could take only few pics 


Orchidaceae fortnight …H abenaria crinifera ..SR3 :  Attachments (1). 8 posts by 5 authors.
Sharing picture of Habenaria crinifera
Taken at Amba ghat MH

Very cute again..

Very good pictures. The only Habenaria which is epiphytic. Am I right?

In Southern part of India may be yes this is the only one epiphytic, but there are few relatives in Himalayas that grow on trees.

Habenaria crinifera_Images shared. : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Sharing few images of Habenaria crinifera.
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Epiphytic, on moss clad tree, wet evergreen forest.
Sighting: Vanagur, Sakaleshpur, Karnataka, about 1200.msl

Nice Find… First Picture looks like a Doll….Thanks for sharing.

TSPOCT-2015-1: Images of Habenaria crinifera shared : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

It is my pleasure to share a few more images of Habenaria crinifera (Orchidaceae)
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Epiphytic, Semi-evergreen forest
Sighting: Hethoor-Vanagur, Sakaleshpur, Hassan, Karnataka about 1200 msl

Wow, Simply Superb..

TSP-OCT2016-13-450:Images of Habenaria crinifera (Orchidaceae) : 11 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (5)

Presenting few images of Habenaria crinifera (Orchidaceae 


Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-eevrgreen forest fringe 

Sighting:Near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka,about 1100 msl 


Nice catch.. Looking like Dolls… Thanks … for sharing…

Beautiful pics and beautiful plants. Thanks a lot for sharing.

One day you should publish a picture book of orchids of your region.

Thanks … for your valued suggestion about bringing out a pictorial.

Wonderful Images … and think of publishing your work as … has said.

Wonderful images …, I do agree with … and all, a pictorial guide will be a nice representation of all the hard work you are doing..


Habenaria crinifera–Amboli Tour:: NS August 2022 (15): 6 images.

It was really a joy to see this beautiful epiphyte in full vigour…
Habenaria crinifera…


Updated on December 24, 2024

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