Habenaria species




Habenaria species: Attaching here with the image of Habenaria plantaginea Lindl. Please Validate

Collected from, Sulthan Bathery, Wayanad District, Kerala

– Kindly refer the .pdf attached here.

– So the spur is 1.5-3 times longer than ovary according to santapau & Kapadia.
I think, I should have a closer look on the specimen with me…??

– The spur in your plant too appears almost 3cm. Check the specimen with the key. Sub-radical leaves should be the characteristic feature to sort down easily.
   Kindly refer this picture:
http://flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Plantain%20Orchid.html as .. suggested.

sepals less than 5mm; stems  to 30cm; Lip much longer than sepals, with a linear midlobe and broad oblique sidelobes of same length; spur green, 15-25mm, longer than ovary (with pedicel); Fl- Nov Dec” — description as per An Excursion Flora of Central TN by K.M Matthew, 1991

I have checked it with the description available in “Orchids of Nilgiris by Joseph”. The spur is nearly equal to the length of the ovary, which is about 1 cm only. According to his description spur is considerably longer than
ovary, and the bracts are smaller than ovary,
which is in contrast almost equal to the length of the ovary in my plant. Other features are almost similar. Since I didn’t had a closer look, can not make a decision now. In
the morning i had a chat with … As he suggested, we should be critical in deciding the identity, and in addition, I only have a single specimen with me. So, we can not make sure whether the differences seen in
this plant is stable or not???? Also am not sure whether the flower i have photographed is a younger one, which may or may not elongate their spur as said in description…???
So, i think, its better dissect out the flower and have a closer look at it..!!

– read the type description in Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants by Lindley.
The last line says: “calcare arcuato filiformi pendulo ovario rostrato longiore”

   Very rarely in these plants, spur keeps on growing after blooming. secondly, I have seen this plant so many times, even in the bud condition, spurs are longer as in my picture….
   But yes, we cant decide from one pic, as it can be just a deformity. So keep your specimen with you and next time look at it again in the field and if this character is there, then either its a different species or variety altogether or its something which we are not thinking of!!




identification no. 250811sn3: Please tell me which Habenaria is this?
plant habit:herb
height/length:tiny about 1ft.

Flowers of both Habenaria grandifloriformis and Habenaria rariflora are very much similar.
You will have to check for the leaves. 

if leaf flat on ground, its H. grandifloriformis

Yes, as … says the former has 1-2 ovate leaves lying flat on ground and the latter has 2-5 oblong leaves on the stem. From just the flower this is H. rariflora because of midlobe of lip broader and lateral lobes longer than midlobe. In H. grandifloriformis the midlobe is narrow and lateral lobes equal the midlobe. The former has finished flowering in July while the latter may be finishing now. In any case description of whole plant helps others to know the plant better. 

I have seen such flowers in H. grandifloriformis too, so wait for the leaf character from …




identification no011011sn1:  Please tell me which Habenaria sp. is this.?

plant habit:herb
height:tiny,about 9″ from the ground 

Looks like Habenaria rariflora but leaves needed to confirm. 

You had sent a query few days back for similar looking flower. [efloraofindia:78188] This flower also looks same. Habenaria grandifloriformis
Since you come from Western ghats I would like to tell you a general observation.
Habenaria grandifloriformis and Habenaria rariflora flowers look very similar and even a hard core taxonomist also woudn’t dare to ID between the two without looking at the leaves.
I just typed the word ‘grandifloriformis’ in my search mail window. I received some 11 odd mails as follows.
11July Prashant [efloraofindia:40891]
14 July Ajinkya [efloraofindia:43129]
18Jul Prashant [efloraofindia:43131]
10Aug       Anantnarayan [efloraofindia:43972]
22Sep Bhatt Swetta [efloraofindia:47965]
20Jul    Neil Soares [efloraofindia:74579]
8Aug Chaitanya Rajarshi [efloraofindia:76360]
24 Jul Rohit Chakravarty [efloraofindia:80214]
Most of these Habenaria grandifloriformis were observed in Jun Jul i.e. Ashadh that’s why it is called as Ashadh amari  आषाढ अमरी which is much much more common than Habenaria rariflora which must be uncommon as I have yet to see this. Out of the above only the plant posted by Rohit Chakravarty is H.rariflora. If you have leaves it can be easily distinguished. 

i guess H. grandifloriformis…. but ya as … said leaf foto required to confirm.



ID Please, Pic Taken in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve:  I am a new member to this group. Apart from interest I have very little knowledge on flowers.

I am from Chennai so most of my floral photos will be taken in and around chennai, Also from Kerala where i used to go for trip often.
This Picture I have taken in Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Kerala. I didnt have any pic with leaves on it!!!

Flower posted by you looks like some “Habenaria sp.” (Orchidaceae family)??

Thank you for the picture of a ground Orchid from Parambikulam.
To confirm the id up to species level we need more characters related to the plant such as plant size time of flowering etc.

Would you please upload a picture with its leaf and complete inflorescence.
Further when viewing the picture you have uploaded I could see a vague image.

I too think that this is Habenaria. Kindly consider my request to share more information related to the plant and more pictures, if available.

I dont have leaf photo for this flower. Will try to post future photos with all the relevant details.

for me it seems to be Habenaria longicornu Lindl.




Id Please: ID please

Updated on December 24, 2024

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