Habenaria stenopetala Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 319 1835. (syn: Habenaria amanoana Ohwi; Habenaria delessertiana Kraenzl.; Habenaria linearipetala Hayata; Habenaria rhynchocarpa (Thwaites) Trimen; Habenaria rhynchocarpa (Thwaites) Hook. f.; Habenaria sutepensis Rolfe ex Downie; Plantaginorchis rhynchocarpa (Thwaites) Szlach.; Platanthera rhynchocarpa Thwaites);
[EfloraofIndia_ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight]:19102013PD04_Habenaria stenopetala Lindl._Flora of Odisha : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 3 authors.
sharing the images of Habenaria stenopetala Lindl. taken from Kapilas and Saptasajya hills (400m above msl) from Dhenkanal district of Odisha Unique shape of flowers, thanks … Many thanks … This is also very scare in Odisha. I have seen 2 individuals only during my survey to its reported habitat. Habenaria stenopetala? ABSEP2016/23 : 9 posts by 3 authors. 5 images. I have been watching this plant since Monday and worrying that a goat or a passing school boy would damage it as it is on a mountain path. But the plant is half sheltered by a rock and it has so far survived. I saw some flowers open this afternoon and even though the light was less than ideal, took some photos to attempt an ID. To my untrained eyes it appears to be Habenaria stenopetala. Please advise. Habenaria stenopetala? Near Mcleodganj, HP 1800m 08 September 2016 Yes Habenaria stenopetala Many thanks … I finally got the book by Som Deva and H.B. Naithani you recommended and found this illustrated there. The authors do not report it from Himachal either. I am hoping to find more plants of this species soon. If you find two different plants, you can just pollinate each other (cross one by another) in their locality and leave them to set fruits. I will keep my eyes open this weekend when I go into the mountains. I have read somewhere that the method gardeners used to pollinate was by rubbing a bird feather on the anthers before touching it to the stigma of a different flower. Is it the way to do it? This will only work of the plants are nearby each other. take a small toothprick. touch on the tip of anther. there is a sticky glue like thing called viscidium. Pull it out, whole pollinarium will come out. The rub it over the stigma. Now where is the stigma may people dont know. Thank you once again. I am not even sure which one is the anther, please forgive my ignorance. I can now recognise the stigma now. . OCT-NOV 2020
Satara, Maharashtra, India Very nice. So many colour variations. MS,Sept.,2022/08 Habenaria sp. for id.: 3 images- 1 high res. Location : Ailawng, Mizoram Altitude : ca. 1,200 m.
Date : 13-09-2018
Habit : Terrestrial herb
Habitat : Wild Habenaria stenopetala . Very nice. This has so many different names it has become painful to sort them out and merge them.
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Habenaria stenopetala
Updated on December 24, 2024