Haworthia limifolia Marloth, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 1: 409 1910. (Syn: Haworthia keithii (G.G.Sm.) M.Hayashi; Haworthia limifolia var. diploidea Resende; Haworthia limifolia var. keithii G.G.Sm.; Haworthia limifolia f. major Resende; Haworthia limifolia f. marlothiana Resende; Haworthia limifolia var. marlothiana (Resende) Resende; Haworthia limifolia f. pimentellii Resende; Haworthia limifolia f. schuldtiana Resende; Haworthia limifolia var. schuldtiana (Resende) Resende; Haworthia limifolia var. stolonifera Resende; Haworthia limifolia var. tetraploidea Resende; Haworthia marlothiana Resende);
For Id from Panipat- March 12: This potted succulent was shot from Panipat, in March 2012.
It is Haworthia limifolia of Liliaceae. The common name is Zebra haworthia.
I found this at our flower show in January this year… being grown in Assam nurseries for the north american nursery trade and are just becoming popular here for the last few years… this year it seems they were all flowering … most Howarthias have flowers which look similar to me at least a and a few others like a user named Palmbob at Daves garden … see his write up at http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/471/
My howarthia is NOT H. limifolia… look closely the white lines are flat and vertical , not raised and lateral that limifolia demands… YET FLOWERS are very similar to yours… that’s the point Geoff Stein/palmbob is making.. in the link above… As we keep getting more and more Howarthias .. it will be very interesting… So far I have experience with 5 varieties… none have flowered except the one I am showing today… Yes … its a very interesting group of plants I remember someone showed me part of a leaf, i think belong to this group, that contained vaseline like substance inside it. This ‘vaseline’ smelled like a well known winter-care cream, ‘borocalendula’ I have never torn a leaf from my plants that I care for… when they die (and they do often in very humid indoor environ during monsoon months) I have not torn and smelled the pulp … next time I am at a nursery that may have plants that they are trying to root leaves I will ask if we can do the olfactory test!!! That ‘borocalendula’ leaf looked like some Aloe sp. But i maybe wrong, it might be some other monocot leaf. However, my friend called it ‘Boroline plant’ and he insisted that he used it as boroline alternative in winter!
Requesting ID of this Haworthia (?) plant – Sagar Upvan – December 2013 :: 09012014 :: ARK-14 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5). Haworthia species so far in efi Haworthia species for sure. Not sure which one. Aarthi ji is right. Looks like one of the varieties of Haworthia fasciata looks like limifolia to me it is H. limifolia v. limifolia
This is an easy one …, Haworthia limifolia, those ridges are an easy give. I’m sure someone can, but I can never tell which Haworthia from the flowers, they all look the same to me.
Haworthia limifolia
Succulents Continued:: Haworthia limifolia from Panipat- NS DEC 03 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) id of this succulent please : 5 posts by 3 authors. 1 correct image.
Purulia, West Bengal
First one Haworthia limifolia second one Mammillaria compressa probably. It is a bit small to really tell though
Agree with … I would appreciate it if the sender would follow up and send us pictures after this second on grows a bit. like say in about a year’s time?
Location: Soureni, India
Date: 7 May 2018
Altitude: 4000 ft
Habit : Cultivated
Ornamental for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 210213 : AK-5: An ornamental plant seen at the flower show in Mumbai during Feb, 2011.
Is it an Agave?
I suspect some sp. of Aloe.
Is this Haworthia fasciata??? From your clue, I searched in Haworthias. Found it similar to Haworthia limifolia.
Later recollected … was kind enough to identify this for me earlier.
I could not locate where I had noted the id for it.
…, thanks for the id.
so what did … say it is?
most likely not a howarthia too big it seems to be the h. limifolia and the color is not right Possibly a species of Haworthia.
Can we consider Haworthia limifolia?
I think you are right …
The Plant List Ver.1.1 Catalogue of Life (Haworthiopsis limifolia (Marloth) G.D.Rowley)
Haworthia limifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024