Hedychium griffithianum ?

Hedychium griffithianum Wall., in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 369 (1853) (syn: Gandasulium griffithianum (Wall.) Kuntze; Hedychium griffithianum var. glanduligerum C.B.Clarke ex Baker);
Assam to Thailand: Assam, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand as per POWO;

Hedychium glaucum Roscoe: 10 images.

Location: Taplejung, East Nepal 
Date: August 2023
Elevation: 1100 m.
Habit : Wild
Images sent by a friend, Mr. Sajan Subedi!

Hedychium gracile var. calcaratum

Hedychium gracile var. calcaratum has no distribution in Nepal and I could not find its information in POWO, GBIF, CoL, WFO and IPNI.

Hedychium gracile var. calcaratum -This combination is yet to be published.
You can also check with H. griffithianum also.

Looks like Hedychium griffithianum Wall. also but could not finalize !

Flowers of India has kept a similar looking plant as Hedychium gracile.
Can the attached images be of Hedychium gracile?

H. gracile is having linear lanceolate leaves.

So, we take this as Hedychium griffithianum Wall. or yet to be published new var. sp. Hedychium gracile var. calcaratum having distribution in India and Nepal ?

So where do we finally keep it for the time being?


POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens)  IBIS Flora (Flora of British India)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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