Hedyotis membranacea

Hedyotis membranacea Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl.: 143 (1859) (syn: Hedyotis asperifolia Alston; Oldenlandia membranacea (Thwaites) Kuntze);
India (Kerala), Sri Lanka as per POWO;

369 ID wild plant Spermacoce: 16 high res. images.
Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 23SEP2022, 12.05pm
Habitat: wild moisture, no sunlight rocky misty hill, wind
Plant habit: small shrub, erect branches, hard quadrangular grooved silver stem, cylindrical lite flaked base diameter 20mm, perennial
Height: 04.5 feet
Leaves: opposite, elliptic, acute, soft glossy, size upto:12×5cm
Flower: axillary whorled racemose, diameter:03.5mm, white, non fragrant
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Maybe a new addition to our site.
Do not remember seeing this.

Ok dear …, it is very rare, only three plants closely growing

This could be a species of Lasianthus of Rubiaceae family.

I could not find any match with the existing species in eFI.
You have to check with other species with distribution in Kerala as per details at

It could be Lasianthus acuminatus based on the characteristic hairs on the calyx.

Thanks a lot dear … for  the ID suggestion, it is close to Lasianthus, leaves are very matching but flower image is not matching and its stem is angular.

I tried to check all listed species of Lasianthus from Kerala, but could not reach an id.

Hedyotis ??

No flower matching images,

This is a Hedyotis species for sure. Not Lasianthus.

I checked many species listed with distribution in Kerala.
To me it appears close to specimens of Hedyotis membranacea at POWO (specimen 1) & GBIF (specimen 1 & 2) and Kerala Plants

I guess that is the closest match …!

Yes, it is very close to Hedyotis membranacea, thank you very much for ID my plant. Kerala plants image is very close,

In Hedyotis membranacea, according to Gamble, the calyx teeths are short and glabrous (without hairs). Here it is hairy.
To decide between Hedyotis or Lasianthus, we need to see the fruit, whether it is fleshy or dry.

Pl. see POWO (specimen 1) & GBIF (specimen 1 & 2) and Kerala Plants
Maybe there are some little variations in the species.

Thank you very much dear … for the great observations and providing links.

Thanks a lot dear… for the confirmation of my plant as Hedyotis membranacea,

What is … observation? I can not see it here.

Today I had a trekking to the misty hill at Vannappuram with … and … daughter (B.Sc. Botony student).
On this occasion they seen the same live plant directly and confirmed it as Hedyotis membranacea.  And also they collected the specimens of Artabotrys.

We have visited the place and confirmed that it is not Lasianthus and it is Hedyotis.


POWO  Catalogue of Life  POWO (specimen 1GBIF (specimen 1 & 2Kerala Plants  India Biodiversity Portal

Updated on December 23, 2024

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