Hemerocallis fulva (Cultivated)

China to Temp. E. Asia as per WCSP;
Alabama; Arkansas; Assam; Austria; Belgium; Central European Rus; China
North-Central; China South-Central; China Southeast; Connecticut; Costa Rica;
Cuba; Czechoslovakia; Delaware; District of Columbia; Dominican Republic; East
; Florida; France; Georgia; Germany; Haiti; Honduras; Hungary; Idaho;
Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Kansas; Kentucky; Kirgizstan;
Korea; Leeward Is.; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Masachusettes; Mexico Central;
Mexico Northeast; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Michigan; Minnesota;
Mississippi; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nepal; New Brunswick; New Hampshire;
New Jersey; New York; New Zealand North; New Zealand South; North Carolina;
North Caucasus; Nova Scotia; Ohio; Ontario; Pakistan; Panam; Pennsylvania;
Prince Edward I.; Puerto Rico; Qubec; Rhode I.; Romania; South Carolina; South
Dakota; Switzerland; Tennessee; Texas; Tibet; Transcaucasus; Turkey; Ukraine;
Utah; Vermont; Virginia; Washington; West Himalaya; West Virginia; Windward Is.;
Wisconsin; Yugoslavia
as per Catalogue of Life;
Fulvous day-lily; Orange day-lily; Tawny day-lily;





This Lily blooms for the first time in my roof garden – I brought it in last October from Uttaranchal – Mayabati Ashrama.
Please provide it’s id and local name, if any.

Yes Hemerocallis fulva

this is Day lily… usually its orange, but may be yellow…
its an import into USA but has naturalized and we see it along road edges and ditches and any green along the parkways… provides color where there may be none, but some people find it irksome and have classified it as weedy…
IF YOU PLANT  it in your garden, first few years make sure rabbits or slugs don’t get it, it will thrive and produce several generations of bulbs…. 

Day lily is common name for different species Hemerocallis
This one is commonly known as Orange day lily, tawny day lily or fulvous day lily: Native of Temperate and Tropical Asia

More common in California  are yellow day lilies Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus (syn: H. flava) known also as lemon day lily and lemon-lily and H. minor (H. flava var. minor) known as dwarf day lily or grass-leaf day lily 
I had uploaded both from California, initially confused as single species https://groups.google.com/group/indiantreepix/browse_thread/thread/22…





Flora of Himachal Pradesh: Hemerocallis fulva from IAS Shimla: Attachments (4). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Hemerocallis fulva from IAS Shimla
Pls validate

Great capture..



Flower for Id -ID24102016SH1 : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Flower for Id pl.
Location – Shillong

Date – 15.10.2016

Looks like Hemerocallis Species to me.

Thanks … Is it Hemerocallis fulva ?

I think matches with images at
ID requested for this climber_DS03062011_SN2

yes. has been shown and discussed several times




Garden Lily for ID : New Jersey : 12NOV17 : AK-08 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Cultivated lily seen in New Jersey in the first week of July,17.

Kindly help in id.

Hemerocallis fulva red cultivar. 



SK1641 13 Dec 2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)- around 450 kb each. 

Location Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Date 2 May 2018
Habit : Cultivated 
Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L.??

To me also appears close to images at 

20 May 2015 
Attachments (4)- around 550 kb each. 

Avalanche, near Nilgiri- May 14, 2010;To share 040810 a ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Taglilie/ day lilies from my garden in Ritterhude 130611NB1: Fotos taken today. Wonder if it is _Hemerocallis fulva_ L.

Of course it is Day Lily. I have few plants in my house but some time back, but it was not H.falwa. I lost them all. H. falwa is much more attractive.



Orange Lilies for ID : New Jersey : 02AUG19 : AK-5 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Orange Lilies seen in a garden in the first week of July, 2017.

Leaves do not match with Day Lilies.

day lilly

google images match your 

Thanks for the id. The leaves look closer to Rain Lilies to me.

rain lily petals if i remember are smaller, pointier and single layer. rain lily leaves are much narrower and shorter, different from your pic. also always take at least one side view

Thanks, …, To me also appears close to images of Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. on google search. May be different cultivars.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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