Hemerocallis minor Mill, Gard. Dict. ed. 8 2 1768. (syn: Hemerocallis flava var. minor (Mill.) M.Hotta; Hemerocallis graminea Andrews; Hemerocallis graminifolia Schltdl.; Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus subsp. minor (Mill.) Z.T. Xiong; Hemerocallis pumila Salisb.; Hemerocallis sulphurea Nakai); Siberia to Korea as per WCSP; Altay; Amur; Buryatiya; China North-Central; Chita; Inner Mongolia; Irkutsk; Khabarovsk; Korea; Krasnoyarsk; Manchuria; Mongolia; Primorye; Tuva; West Siberia; Yakutskiya as per Catalogue of Life;
Another minor confusion : 6 correct images. After uploading the two species Vinca: V. major and V. minor, and after uploading photographs of H. lilioasphodelus from California as a supplement to photograph identified from from India as this species, I went out for stroll and realised that there two not one type of plants growing in our area here in California. After consulting Hortus Third and eFlora of China I found that taller plants with broader leaves, longer branched inflorescence and larger flowers belong to H. lilioasphodelus, whereas smaller plants with, narrower leaves, shorter unbranched inflorescence and smaller flowers belong to H. minor. The latter also produces smaller flowers buds and shorter anthers (5 mm as against 8-9 in H. lilioasphodelus). I am uploading both. May be both also occur in India. Incidently my second photograph in earlier upload belonged to H. minor and not H. lilioasphodelus. PLANT ID——-12th DECEMBER 2011——S.S.——047: Confirmation please. Is this Hemerocallis minor? Pic 2 is clearer. Bulb in a private garden in Kalimpong. Pic taken on 15th April @8.30am. looks like Zephyranthes citrina –Yellow Rain Lily This is looks spot on. Yes this is Zephyranthes citrina for sure Does not look like Zephyranthes citrina Yes, it does not look like a Rain Lily. To me it looks more like Hemerocallis Species, a Daylily. definitely looks like hemerocallis but whether lemon daylily or dwarf daylily cant say It seems to be Day Lily. I think close to images at Hemerocallis minor Mill as per comparative images at Hemerocallis |
Hemerocallis minor (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024