Hernandia nymphaeifolia

Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J.Presl) Kubitzki, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 90: 272 1970. (Syn: Biasolettia nymphaeifolia C.Presl; Hernandia peltata Meisn.; Hernandia vitiensis Seem. ex Pax); 



Plants of Papua 3:  Could you help me to ID our plant please. It is a tree to10 m tall,
the fruits float on the sea water. 

I think this is Hernandia nympahaeifolia (J. Presl.) Kubitzki (Hernandiaceae).
Also reported from the Andaman Islands of India.
Please check the thread for comparison


Request for ID of a tree from Andaman by …
Location: Jolly Buoy island, Andaman
Time of shoot: Jan.2011
Wild tree on the sandy seashore
Ht.appr. 6-7 m, width almost equal. From a distance it looked like Thespesia populnea. Branching at low ht.
Leaves: peltate like Macaranga peltata, size about 6″ by 4″
Flowers: not seen
Fruits: photo attached
Occurance: frequent but only on Jolly Buoy island

Is it some species of Macaranga

The fruit is not edible as understood from the locals.

This is Hernandia peltata belongs to the Family Hernandiaceae

I think this plant was already identified by somebody in some other thread. Cant recall the name now. But definitely it is not Macaranga.

Yes …, i had discussed this plant earlier with … and he has identified this plant as “Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J.Presl) Kubitzki (Hernandiaceae)”.



ID of Andaman tree: Request for ID of a tree from Andaman by …

Location: Jolly Buoy island, Andaman
Time of shoot: Jan.2011
Wild tree on the sandy seashore
Ht.appr. 6-7 m, width almost equal. From a distance it looked like Thespesia populnea. Branching at low ht.
Leaves: peltate like Macaranga peltata, size about 6″ by 4″
Flowers: not seen
Fruits: photo attached
Occurance: frequent but only on Jolly Buoy island

Dr. … has identified this plant as ” Hernandia nymphaeifolia (J.Presl) Kubitzki (Hernandiaceae)”.





Fwd: [efloraofindia:188032] plant from Kavarati, Lakshdweep PC1 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5).

Please identify these plant from Kavarati, Lakshdweep.
It was growing on the road

The plants in the following links looks similar to yours –
  1. http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/hernandi.htm
  2. http://stuartxchange.com/Koron-koron.html

I think Hernandia nymphaeifolia (Family: Hernandiaceae)…

Of-course Dear, that’s why the second link was there!

Yes … Useful links and very informative..
I remember this plant was also posted long back from Andaman & Nicobar by … 

Yes, Dear, as i suggested the id i’ve seen efi uploads and your interactions there! Unfortunately. the pictures of the involucels do not match exactly! Fortunately, Fl. Br. Ind.. refers to H. peltata Meissn. and we have illustrations – 

Updated on December 24, 2024