Identify the Hibiscus sp.?: 1+ 2 images- 1 high res.
Habitat: Outer road Side.
Leaves 3-5 lobed, flower yellow with purple center.
Loc- Kota Rajasthan
Date- 06/10/2021
Do you have any other images?
It may be Hibiscus vitifolius L. as per images and details herein.
I have received photographs from someone else, so they will not be able to have high resolution.
2 images.
Looks like a cultivated sp.
It’s not Hibiscus vitifolius,
Might be Hibiscus cannabinus varieties,
I agree with you … It’s not Hibiscus vitifolius !
Yes …, As you said it might be Cultivated variety,
Was it cultivated?
No sir. It’s growing wild form/habitat
Only two to three individuals are present in the location. The main location in this plant is Abhera biological park kota. The park is situated in rocky area & forest type is grassland