Holcoglossum kimballianum (Hong Kong & Myanmar)



live from Hong Kong. 



Orchid from Myanmar : 15 posts by 3 authors.

I would like to know the name of this orchid.
I hesitate between Laelia, Papilionanthes or other … difficult to determine for me who do not practice tropical orchids!

Photos prises le 26-10-2016, altitude 900met dans la ville Loikaw, Etat de Kayah, Myanmar
Thank you in advance for your help.

This should be Holcoglossum wangii with a bit reddish labellum.

Thanks a lot for sharing.

Thank you very much … for this quick answer!
Looking for this plant I also saw Holcoglossum kimballianum which seems close. Can we distinguish these two species on photo?
What do you think?

Holcoglossum kimballianum has very broad front lobe of labellum very much orbicular or sub-orbicular, in wangii midlobe is oblong-elliptic.

The label of my picture is rather square and not oblond. I see rather H.kimballianum but I am not a specialist.

Please give me some time to rethink. You could very well be correct. May be its just due to the angle of flower in the photograph.

sorry for inconvenience.

I agree to your point that your plant is Holcoglossum kimballianum and not H. wangii.
Wangii leaves are always pendulous and kimballianum has erect which is even reported from Myanmar. Kimballianum has much broader and orbicular or suborbicular labellum where as wangii is more rectangular, but as you can see this is not very clear in your pic due to the angle. Both may have pink labellum, wangii usually has yellow though.
Keys also talk about conical and cylindric spur but I have seen both in both.
Infact there are some hybrids which have similar labellum as your pic but I can see that your plant is wild.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hope it will not stop you from sharing more orchids from Myanmar.

Thank you for your very detailed message!
I am not the photographer of these photos that are taken by my son during his travels around the world; And I try to determine the plants he meets!
In this trip to Myanmar he could see 2 other orchids that I send you by separate messages to share and confirm (and clarify) the identification.

Thank you very much … for this quick answer!
Looking for this plant I also saw Holcoglossum kimballianum which seems close. Can we distinguish these two species on photo?
What do you think?

Holcoglossum kimballianum has very broad front lobe of labellum very much orbicular or sub-orbicular, in wangii midlobe is oblong-elliptic.

The label of my picture is rather square and not oblong. I see rather H.kimballianum but I am not a specialist.

Please give me some time to rethink. You could very well be correct. May be its just due to the angle of flower in the photograph.

sorry for inconvenience.

I agree to your point that your plant is Holcoglossum kimballianum and not H. wangii.
Wangii leaves are always pendulous and kimballianum has erect which is even reported from Myanmar. Kimballianum has much broader and orbicular or suborbicular labellum where as wangii is more rectangular, but as you can see this is not very clear in your pic due to the angle. Both may have pink labellum, wangii usually has yellow though.
Keys also talk about conical and cylindric spur but I have seen both in both.
Infact there are some hybrids which have similar labellum as your pic but I can see that your plant is wild.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Hope it will not stop you from sharing more orchids from Myanmar.

Thank you for your very detailed message!
I am not the photographer of these photos that are taken by my son during his travels around the world; And I try to determine the plants he meets!
In this trip to Myanmar he could see 2 other orchids that I send you by separate messages to share and confirm (and clarify) the identification.




The Plant List  Flora of China 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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