Holostemma ada-kodien

Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. , Syst. Veg. 6: 95 1820. (syn. Asclepias annularis Roxb.; Holostemma annulare (Roxb.) K. Schum.; Holostemma annularis (Roxb.) K.Schum.; Holostemma rheedianum Spreng.);
Cynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum, Taxon 65: 477 (2016) (syn: Asclepias annularia Roxb.Asclepias convolvulacea B.Heyne ex Decne. ; Cynanchum annulare B.Heyne ex WightGomphocarpus volubilis Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f.Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. ; Holostemma annularium (Roxb.) K.Schum.; Holostemma brunonianum Royle ; Holostemma rheedianum Spreng. ; Holostemma rheedei Wall.Sarcostemma annulare Roth) as per POWO;
ho-loh-STEM-uh — Greek: holo (whole, entire); stemma (garland, crown) … Dave’s Botanary
¿ ada-koh-DEE-yen ? — Latinized form of the Malabar name of the plant – അടകൊതിയൻ atakothiyan
commonly known as: holostemma, ring­ coronelAssamese: জীৱন্তী ফুল jivanti phulaGujarati: ખણેર khaner, ખીરણ khiran, ખીરદોડી khirdodi, ખીરવેલ khirvelHindi: अर्कपुष्पी arkapushpi, छिरवेल chirvelKannada: ಅರಣೆ ಬೀಳು arane beelu, ಜೀವ ಹಾಲೆ jeevahaale, ಜೀವಂತಿ jeevanthiKonkani: करबफूल karabphulMalayalam: അടകൊതിയൻ atakothiyan, അടപതിയൻ adapathiyan, ജീവനി jeevani, മധുസ്രവ madhusravaMarathi: चिरवेल chirvel, शिदोडी shidodiNepali: जिवन्ती jiwanteeSanskrit: जीवन्ती jivantiTamil: பலைக்கீரை palaikkiraiTelugu: బండి గురివింద bandi-gurivinda, దూది పాల తీగ dudipaalathige, పాల గురుగు paalagurugu, పాల జిల్లేడు paalajilledu, పాల గురుజి pala-gurji, పెయ్యిబడ్డు peyyi badduTulu: ಅರಣೆ ಬೂರು arane booru

Holostemma annulare:
Seen this another climber at CBD Hills.
Date/Time: 20-08-2011 / 10:30AM
Location: CBD Belapur Hills, Navi Mumbai
Bo. name: Holostemma annulare
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Climber.

Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. is an accepted name
This is new name of this plant

An article about the medicinal property of plant from The Hindu


Holostemma annulare flowering:
Photographed at my farm at Shahapur last weekend.

Wonderful set of pics … Sir , complete with  Starling & Shrike.

I always like to see plants and birds or animals together
Is the bird Shrike what we call “Saatbhai” as they are usually in groups of seven and I have not only heard but seen that 1 of them is always guarding in turns. I see a lot of these birds around my house at Pune

The ‘Rufous-backed’ Long-tailed Shrike featured here belongs to a group
called ‘Butcher-birds’. ‘Satbhai’ or ‘Seven Sisters’ are Jungle
Babblers. Sending you a few photographs.

the bird locally called as “saat bahi” is Jungle Babbler, Turdoides striata

Yes we see shrikes but not as commonly as babblers In Pune.

We locally call them- Pachanak , Kajala latora (In north India )
Chashmewala, Jangli Khatik (In West India ).
I hope Chashmewala rings a bell for U.
And  this discussion gave me one crazy idea of having one “e-fauna india” forum one day.

Somewhere I read that (may be flickers) that these flowers are
eaten in Maharashtra and so populations of this plant have dwindled…
how eat them and why? any religious or nutritional reason?

… was with me at Shahapur when we found one of these flowering in the wild. From him I learnt that the central part of the flower [that looks like a pointed crayon] can be eaten and it is very sweet.


GRAM2016 Could this be Holostemma ada-kodien? : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (21)
Found this growing at Kasara, Maharashtra in Aug, 2016. 

Not aware of the flora of your region …, but precisely recorded beautiful pics speak for themselves, nice posting…!!

Yes, matches with images at Holostemma ada-kodien Schult.

GRAM 2017 Holostemma ada-kodien? : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (26)
Pictures taken at Kasara, Maharashtra. Oct 2016. 

I too think, matches with images at Holostemma ada-kodien


Please help me with Nepali name for Holostemma ada-kodien, if any.

जिवन्ती Jiwantee


via Species‎ > ‎H‎ > Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … family: Apocynaceae ~ Asclepiadaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
ho-loh-STEM-uh — Greek: holo (whole, entire); stemma (garland, crown)Dave’s Botanary
¿ ada-koh-DEE-yen ? — Latinized form of the Malabar name of the plant – adakodien
commonly known as: holostemma, ring­ coronelAssamese: জীৱন্তী ফুল jivanti phulaGujarati: ખનેર khaner, ખીરદોડી khirdodi, ખીરવેલ khirvelHindi: अर्कपुष्पी arkapushpi, छिरवेल chirvelKannada: ಅರಣೆ ಬೀಳು arane beelu, ಜೀವ ಹಾಲೆ jeevahaale, ಜೀವಂತಿ jeevanthiKonkani: करबफूल karabphulMalayalam: അടപതിയൻ adapathiyanMarathi: चिरवेल chirvel, शिदोडी shidodiNepali: जिवन्ती jiwanteeSanskrit: जीवन्ती jivantiTamil: பலைக்கீரை palaikkiraiTelugu: బండి గురివింద bandi-gurivinda, దూది పాల తీగ dudipaalathige, పాల గురుగు paalagurugu, పాల జిల్లేడు paalajilledu, పాల గురుజి pala-gurji, పెయ్యిబడ్డు peyyi badduTulu: ಅರಣೆ ಬೂರು arane booru
botanical names: Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … synonyms: Asclepias annularis Roxb. • Holostemma annulare (Roxb.) K. Schum. • Holostemma annularis (Roxb.) K.Schum. • Holostemma rheedianum Spreng. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
September 30, 2007 … Nagla forest, part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Here is update to Malayalam names:
Malayalam: അടകൊതിയൻ atakothiyan, അടപതിയൻ adapathiyan, ജീവനി jeevani, മധുസ്രവ madhusrava

The Gujarati name of this plant would be spelt as ખણેર. It is also known as ખરણેર and ખીરણ.

Cynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum

sigh-NAN-chum — Greek: kyon (dog); ancho (to strangle), referring to the plant’s toxic qualities … Dave’s Botanary
an-yoo-LAIR-ee-um — shaped like a ring … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: holostemma creeper, ring coronel, ringed swallow-wort • Assamese: জীৱন্তী ফুল jivanti phula • Gujarati: અર્કપુષ્પી arkapushpi, ખણેર khaner, ખીરણ khiran, ખીરદોડી khirdodi, ખીરવેલ khirvel • Hindi: अर्कपुष्पी arkapushpi, छिरवेल chirvel • Kannada: ಅರಣೆ ಬೀಳು arane beelu, ಜೀವ ಹಾಲೆ jeevahaale, ಜೀವಂತಿ jeevanthi • Konkani: करबफूल karabphul • Malayalam: അടകൊതിയൻ atakothiyan, അടപതിയൻ adapathiyan, ജീവനി jeevani, മധുസ്രവ madhusrava, നാഗവല്ലി nagavalli • Marathi: चिरवेल chirvel, शिदोडी shidodi • Nepali: जिवन्ती jiwantee • Sanskrit: जीवन्ती jivanti • Santali: ᱟᱹᱯᱩᱝ apung, ᱢᱩᱨᱚᱱ ᱟᱲᱟᱜ mouron arak • Tamil: பலைக்கீரை palaikkirai • Telugu: బండి గురివింద bandi-gurivinda, దూది పాల తీగ dudi paala thige, పాల గురుగు paala gurugu, పాల జిల్లేడు paala jilledu, పాల గురుజి pala gurji, పెయ్యిబడ్డు peyyi baddu • Tulu: ಅರಣೆ ಬೂರು arane booru

botanical namesCynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum … homotypic synonymsAsclepias annularia Roxb. • Holostemma annularium (Roxb.) K.Schum. • Holostemma rheedei Wall. … heterotypic synonymsCynanchum annulare B.Heyne ex Wight • Gomphocarpus volubilis Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f. • Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. • Holostemma brunonianum Royle • Holostemma rheedianum Spreng. • Sarcostemma annulare Roth … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
holostemma creeper, ringed swallow-wort
ring coronel
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 by T. Pullaiah
  • coronel = the head of a spear, refers to the almost entire corona – shaped like spear-head; ring refers to the coronal ring
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
জীৱন্তী ফুল jivanti phula
  • for Holostemma annulare (Roxb.) K. Schum. … many thanks to Brahmananda Pattiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
  • for Holostemma rheedei Wall. … BENGAL PLANTS VOL. II by PRAIN, DAVID
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
અર્કપુષ્પી arkapushpi
ખણેર khaner (or ખરણેર kharner),
ખીરણ khiran
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … many thanks to Viplav Gangar for help with this name … efloraofindia
ખીરદોડી khirdodi
ખીરવેલ khirvel
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
अर्कपुष्पी arkapushpi
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … WISDOM LIBRARY – the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
छिरवेल chirvel
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅರಣೆ ಬೀಳು arane beelu, ಜೀವ ಹಾಲೆ jeevahaale, ಜೀವಂತಿ jeevanthi
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
करबफूल karabphul
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
അടകൊതിയൻ atakothiyan
അടപതിയൻ adapathiyan
ജീവനി jeevani, മധുസ്രവ madhusrava
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … many thanks to Viswa Prabha for help with this name … facebook
നാഗവല്ലി nagavalli
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
चिरवेल chirvel
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … many thanks to Nandan Kalbag for help with this name … facebook
शिदोडी shidodi
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
जिवन्ती jiwantee
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name … efloraofindia
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
moran arak
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
जीवन्ती jivanti
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~
ᱟᱹᱯᱩᱝ apung, ᱢᱩᱨᱚᱱ ᱟᱲᱟᱜ mouron arak
  • Many thanks to Prasanta Hembram for help with these names … efloraofindia
  • for Holostemma rheedei Wall. … BENGAL PLANTS VOL. II by PRAIN, DAVID
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
பலைக்கீரை palaikkirai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
బండి గురివింద bandi-gurivinda
దూది పాల తీగ dudi paala thige, పాల గురుగు paala gurugu, పాల జిల్లేడు paala jilledu, పాల గురుజి pala gurji, పెయ్యి బడ్డు peyyi baddu
  • for Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. … Flora Andhrika – Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಅರಣೆ ಬೂರು arane booru
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Need help with id of this milkweed family plant : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- around 1 mb each.
Taken in Bhopal. 14/8/2020. Black soil. This had milky latex and flowers resemble Calotropis.

Apocynaceae ??

Thanks, … Could not find a match as per comparative images at Apocynaceae
Hi, …, Any other images ?

I will look for the plant again and take more photos. Thank you.

Opened flowers will help.


Attaching here an image of the open flowers.
Attachments (3)- around 800 kb each. 

Closest looks like Cynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum synHolostemma ada-kodien Schult. !

I too agree with …


192 ID wild plant: 15 images.

Please ID wild plant, rare only one plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 29.08.2021, 12.35pm
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: climbing, branches, slender twining weak purple stem 03.5mm diameter, latex, perennial
Height: 06 meters
Leaves: alternate, heart shaped, apex, size:10×6cm or less
Flower: racemose, diameter:21mm, off-white with purple shade, lite fragrance, opened for twelve days
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

I think Holostema ada-kodien….

I too agree with …

Yes, it is dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,


Santali names of Cynanchum annularium (Roxb.) Liede & Khanum:

Please help with the Santali names – apung and mouron arak in Ol Chiki script.
Above names are listed for the synonyms: Holostemma rheedei Wall. and Asclepias annularis Roxb. in BENGAL PLANTS VOL. II by PRAIN, DAVID

It’s transcription will be ᱟᱹᱯᱩᱝ and ᱢᱩᱨᱚᱱ ᱟᱲᱟᱜ


Updated on December 24, 2024