Homalium tomentosum

Homalium tomentosum (Vent.) Benth., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 4: 34 1860. (syn: Blakwellia propinqua Wall.; Blakwellia spiralis Wall.; Blakwellia tomentosa Vent.; Homalium propinquum C.B.Clarke);
E. India to W. Malesia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Burma Lancewood, Moulmein lancewood

Deciduous trees, about 20-40 m tall. Bark pale grayish brown, showing green epidermis beneath, with irregular flakes peeling, buttressed near the trunk base, branchlets and young twigs tomentose. Leaves simple, alternate, obovate-oblong, obovate-elliptic, about 10-25 x 5-13.5 cm across, base cuneate to rounded, margin shallow or distinctly crenate, apex deeply acute to shallow acuminate, lateral veins 8-12 on either side of the midrib, impressed above and prominent on midrib beneath, minutely tomentose to glabrescent above, minutely pubescent to wooly tomentose beneath, end in a gland beneath at each teeth of the margin, veinlets reticulate, petiole thick, about 3-8 mm long, stipules caducous. Inflorescence in shortly pedunculate, pendulous, subterminal and axillary racemes spikes or lax glomerules, ferruginous tomentose, about 10-30 cm long. Flowers greenish white, foetid or disagreeable odour, bisexual, epigynous, hypanthium funnel shaped, wooly tomentose, about 2 mm long in fruits, pedicels articulate in below, bracts ovate, caducous, sepals 5-6, linear oblong, margin ciliate, with densely hairy episepalous nectar gland opposite to every sepal, accrescent after anthesis, tomentose, about 1.25 mm long, petals 5-6, spathulate, almost same size as sepals, inserted in the rim of the calyx tube. Stamens before each petals, alternating with nectar glands, filaments about 2 mm long, anthers 2 loculed, globular, dorsifixed, extrorse, pollen tricolporate. Ovary semi-inferior, globose, unilocular, minutely appressed hairy inside, densely wooly tomentose outside, styles 3. Fruit indehiscent, subglobose-ovoid, about 2 mm long. Seed 1.
Mixed forests at low elevations.

(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India.; Kailash, B. R., ATREE, Bangalore, India.; Royal Norwegian Embassy grants. Indian Bioresource Information Network (IBIN), Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, India as per India Biodiversity Portal)

This medium-sized tree was recorded from campus of Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab in September 2017.

To me this looks to belong to Anacardiaceae, please suggest correct id..

Never seen before 

Could not find a match as per comparative images at /species/a—l/a/anacardiaceae

I think, Bridelia sp.

Looks to me like Casearia graveolens (Salicaceae)

Not sure. The flowers don’t quite match C. graveolens as I know it

Thanks …, My first impression of the plant was Bridelia, until I closely observed the flowers… and this is not like Casearia too..

Hope to get a lead soon..!!

Please check for Bridelia ferruginea. Only a suggestion

Thanks a lot …, for your valuable suggestion, yes it superficially resembles to what you suggested, bu flowers seem to differ..

Unable to help you with this one.

Possibly Celastraceae member.

This is Homalium bhamoense (syn. H. tomentosum). Family Flacourtiaceae. See “Vascular
Flora of Punjab and Chandigarh” by M. Sharma. vol. 1:216.2021.In a separate e mail,
sending the brochure of the book.

This is a species of Homalium

Thanks, … Identified as Homalium bhamoense (syn. H. tomentosum).

I guess correct ID would be Homalium tomentosum (Vent.) Benth.   Homalium tomentosum (Vent.) Benth  Homalium tomentosum (Vent.) Benth.

Going through POWO, it appears to be H. tomentosum (Vent.) Benth. rather than Homalium ceylanicum (Gardner) Benth. (syn: Homalium bhamoense Cubitt & W. W. Smith) as per POWO.

Yes … and thank you for validation !




References: POWO  Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of peninsular India  Flowers of India  India Biodiversity Portal  Wikimedia Commons  tropicaltimber  Useful Tropical Plants

Updated on December 24, 2024

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