SK1471 26 Sep 2018 : 15 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Location: Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Date: 12 August 2018 Elevation: 1300 ft. Habit : Cultivated Can it be Nerium by any chance? No its not Nerium. I know the plant, but dont know the name. i have been looking at the flowers and their leaves, and raking my brain. i have seen this or its cousin some where. may be before digital pics in my collection. i want to say related to gustavia, sp. but thats just a fanciful wishful idea. really cant place it. so our dependence is on you, … was there any label at all? hiding? Looks like a hybrid of Leptospermum. Not native to HK. Myrtaceaee. But not sure. that’s where i had seen it, many many moons ago. new zealand flora exhibits at brooklyn bot g or nybg ! now we can find them and do the reading. its really from aus or nz New Zealand Garden Journal (Journal of the RNZIH): June 2013, Vol. 16, No.1, pp. 2-15 pdf freely available === shows a pic with similarities to this case here == for Trees (New Zealand Native) Leptospermum hybrids & cultivars with photos. caution: it has a link that does not work, :For a list and photos of cultivars not shown here visit “ === now i remember, i had seen many of these flowers because of popularity a few years ago for Manuka honey. == more to follow when i get some time. until enjoy thee and otters that you all find on your own!!! |
Leptospermum hybrids- Hong Kong
Updated on December 24, 2024